Womanhood and Sexuality: The Rock Solid Truth (Part 1)

I’m sure it is not news to you that we are living in a time of extreme disorientation regarding our sexuality.  It is almost unbelievable that so many people will not define what a woman is.  And even more heartbreaking is the struggle that some are having regarding whether they are a woman or a man. In this environment it is challenging to speak out about womanhood.  And yet we must speak clearly because confusing and complex issues call for clarity and not nuances of truth. 

I think it can be safely said that there has never been a culture in the history of the world that has so celebrated sexual sin.  Sexual sin is not new, but the celebration of sexual sin is.  We live in a hook-up, sex-craved, sin-celebrated, gender-confused, sexually-corrupted world.  The only way, as Christians, to combat the sexual and gender lies and clear the confusion regarding womanhood, is to orient ourselves to the God-honoring, Word-saturated, life-giving, rock-solid truth of God’s Word.  

To illustrate today’s confusion, let’s think about something called spatial disorientation.  Spatial disorientation is the inability of a person to correctly determine the position of his/her body in space.  It is a potentially deadly problem (spatially) for pilots and it is a potentially deadly problem (spiritually) for Christians.

When one is affected by spatial disorientation, one’s perception of direction does not agree with reality.  In fact, the perception of one’s motion is the exact opposite of reality.  Down seems up and up feels like down.  This happens because there is no point of orientation, especially when one looses site of the ground.

In July, 1999, John F. Kennedy, Jr, his wife and her sister lost their lives because Kennedy, the pilot of the plane they were in, lost his orientation.  It was dark, there was a haze, they were over water and he had no point of reference.  And…he didn’t even know it!  Unaware that he was turning and thinking that he was maintaining a straight and level flight pattern, the plane began to take a steep dive, and once in the so-called graveyard spiral, there was no way out.  

There is a two-pronged solution to the problem of spatial disorientation.  First, one must have training and proficiency in the use of gyroscopic flight instruments.  However, the pilot must not only know how to fly by the instruments.  He must trust the instruments!  If he trusts the instruments, even though he may or may not feel disoriented, but for sure can’t see his way clear, the instruments will lead him to the safety of the landing strip rather than to the bottom of the sea.  In other words, the only way out of spatial disorientation is knowledge and trust of something outside of yourself.  

Dear friends, too many of us are in a death spiral and don’t know it.  Too many of us are not trained to use the instrument of God’s Word.  Too many of us don’t trust God’s Word.  And because of this we are not maintaining our equilibrium and are falling prey to the lies of this world regarding womanhood and sexuality.  To know the truth about who we are as women, we must take our stand on the rock solid truth of the Bible.  And in order to do this we must know what the Bible says about womanhood and sexuality and then trust it.

When it comes to womanhood and sexuality, you can’t get much more basic than Genesis 1:27.  “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  God has just created the heavens and the earth.  And now He is at the pinnacle of the creation process and is about to make human beings in His image.

When we dig into this one verse, we discover truth about our sexuality.  But before we do that digging, let’s think a minute about who the Creator is.  The rock solid foundation on which we build all of our understanding is – God.  And we know quite a bit about God.  For example, there has never been a time and never will be a time when God does not exist.  Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God….”  In other words, God existed in the beginning.  John 17:5 records Jesus’ words, “And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.” So, God existed before the beginning!  And in Revelation 22:3 we read, “No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him.”  Yes, God exists eternally!

To be sure we are very clear, no nuances, we must also orient ourselves to the true God.  The Creator God is Trinitarian.  God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This isn’t just any old god we’re talking about.  This is the true God, the God of Jesus.  

And lastly, we know what God is like.  He is majestic. (Ex 15:11)  He is merciful and full of comfort.  (2 Cor 1:3) He is upright, faithful, righteous, and just.  (Ps 33:4-5) He is light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1John 1:5)  And, above all, He is love.  “All the attributes of God act in the strength of love, and all the providences of God flow from the motions of love.”

Dear ones, how we view God is a determining factor in how we accept His Word and whether or not we embrace how He made us.  It all starts with God.  We must keep asking questions like: Do I believe God is there?  Do I believe He created the universe?  Do I believe He created me?  Do I believe He loves me?  Do I believe that everything He does flows from his love?  Do I know him through Jesus?

If your answer is, “Yes,” to these questions, then you can take your stand on the Bible.  You will trust God and His Word.  And you will find the truth regarding who you are as a woman.


Womanhood and Sexuality: The Rock Solid Truth (Part 2)


The Heart of Discipleship - Women's Gathering 11/5/22