What do we believe?

We are joyfully centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ — the news that Jesus, the Son of God, lived, died, and rose again for the salvation of all those who put their faith in him.

We are committed to the biblical doctrines and values expressed in our Membership Affirmation of Faith, and our pastors and deacons affirm the Leader Affirmation of Faith, a statement that traces its roots to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.

The gospel

Our church revolves around the reality that Jesus came, died, and rose again to save sinners.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, offers redemption, forgiveness, and transformation through faith in his life, death, and resurrection.

Watch: What is the gospel? →

Member Affirmation of Faith

Our covenant membership affirms the following truths:

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Leader Affirmation of Faith

As a church, we hold two affirmations of faith: one for all members and another for those in leadership.

The Member Affirmation of Faith covers fundamental Christian doctrines like Scripture and the Trinity and is a requirement for membership at our church.

On the other hand, the Leader Affirmation of Faith is three times the length and delves deep into the particulars of biblical teaching. All pastors and deacons have affirmed the Leader Affirmation and teach, counsel, and lead from the positions articulated within.

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