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Community Groups | Life Groups

Distance & Depth

Jesus tells us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20). “Baptizing” and “teaching” unfold two important aspects to discipleship.

“Baptizing” is about conversion. It is going out, whether crossing the street or the oceans, to tell people the gospel of Jesus. We call this discipleship in distance. 

“Teaching” is about counsel. It is reaching in, along with other disciples of Jesus, to bring every aspect of our lives under his lordship. We call this discipleship in depth.

Both aspects require intentionality. Community Groups comprise our first-tier strategy for discipleship in distance. Life Groups are our primary strategy for discipleship in depth.

Community Groups are teams of disciples banding together to live on mission in the Twin Cities.

Made up of families, couples, and/or singles, these “focused, shared ministry networks” are intentional about making a gospel impact in their local neighborhoods and relational networks.

Community Groups usually meet midweek, share a meal, worship together, and discuss the important truths of God’s Word.

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Within Community Groups are Life Groups, smaller groups of men or women who meet together for mutual discipleship, discussion, accountability, and encouragement.

As a smaller, more personal gathering, Life Groups are the place where we can lean on one another throughout the complexities of life. 

That means that we have conversations that get at the heart of things – what’s been called level-three conversation. We need the kind of conversation that presses beneath the surface and gets into the affections, the hopes, the fears, the anxieties — all the places where we desperately want Jesus to come and reign.