
The Foyer

The Foyer

The Foyer is an orientation on the mission and vision of Cities Church led by Pastor Jonathan Parnell. It is a great resource to learn more about our church, and take the next step in getting connected. The Foyer also serves as the introduction to Covenant Membership.


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What Is Christian Hedonism?

What Is Christian Hedonism?

Our six-session Adult Sunday School class on Christian Hedonism will be in the Chapel. It’ll take place at the same time as Kids Sunday School, 8:40-9:40am. Come early to join us as we learn from the Bible how our joy and God’s glory go together.

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Coffee With Pastors

Coffee With Pastors

If you are new to Cities or looking to get more involved then this event is for you! On the first Sunday of every month, some of our pastors will be upstairs in the Summit Room after the worship service to connect with you and share more about our church: who we are, our discipleship structures, and what it looks like to be a covenant member. We’ll also offer plenty of time for questions and conversation.

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TCI: Theological Foundations I

TCI: Theological Foundations I

The Cities Institute exists to provide the theological foundations for a life of discipleship and gospel advance.

Last fall, as part of the Wednesday Gatherings, we started a course on Theological Foundations I, covering six sessions. For the fall of 2024, the plan is to complete this course by teaching three sessions in this Friday night seminar-style gathering.

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Student Night

Student Night

Through the consistent rhythm of sharing a meal, teaching, confession, prayer, and fun together; our desire is to fulfill the overarching mission of Student Ministry which exists to cultivate a deep love for Jesus in all of life. To this end, we would love for all students grades 7-12 to join us every other Sunday evening! While this event is specifically for Cities Students, please invite your friends to come as well. We would love to connect with them as we meet together. Please contact Tommy Kraemer with any questions. Remember to RSVP!

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Family Serve Saturday

Family Serve Saturday

Join other Cities families as we pack meals to aid in global hunger relief with Feed My Starving Children. Meet up together at Feed My Starving Children’s Eagan location at 9:30am. Once we’ve completed our shift at 11:15am, we’ll head back to the Cities building to eat lunch and debrief before closing in prayer at 12:30pm.


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Student Grill-Out

Student Grill-Out

Grades 7-12 and parents! Join us at the Dippel’s home for burgers and hotdogs, activities such as nine square, and get to know our new Student Ministry Coordinator, Tommy Kraemer. Parents are welcome to stay for the event as well!


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CGL Summit

CGL Summit

After the morning worship service, we’ll meet upstairs in the Chapel. Lunch will be provided for the whole family and then the kids will be dismissed to childcare next door in the Summit Room. We hope to see all of our Community Group Leaders here – remember to RSVP!


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Women's Spring Book Study

Women's Spring Book Study

Join us this spring as we read The End of the Christian Life by J. Todd Billings and meet together for discussion. Living in a culture that is largely silent about death, many Christians feel ignorant or lost when it comes to living and dying well. This book “invites us to discover how the countercultural path of embracing our mortal limits can enliven true Christian hope in a death-denying age.” We invite you to join us as we go deep into this relevant topic together.

Learn More & Sign Up →

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Membership Meeting

Membership Meeting

Our next membership meeting is Sunday, May 5. We will begin around noon so that you have time to find lunch and transition childcare after the worship service. Please feel free to bring your food with you to the meeting. Please sign up if your kids will be in childcare (ages 0-10; Summit Room).

Childcare sign up →

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Maundy Thursday Special Service

Maundy Thursday Special Service

Join us for this special service on Thursday, March 28 at 7:30pm. On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate together when we gather for worship during our regular 10:00am service. Childcare will not be provided on Maundy Thursday nor Easter Sunday.

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Stations of the Cross
to Mar 27

Stations of the Cross

The 12 Stations of the Cross will be on display in the Sanctuary during Holy Week from 6:00-9:00pm on Monday and Tuesday, and 6:00-8:00pm on Wednesday.

A guidebook including Scriptures, quotations, and questions for reflection will be available. You are encouraged to arrive at your leisure and use the printed guide to move in order from one station to the next, spending as much time as you’d like contemplating each illustration.

The Stations of the Cross event is free to attend and is open to the entire community.

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BCS Spring Lectures

BCS Spring Lectures

Dr. Jon Hoglund will be kicking off Bethlehem College & Seminary’s annual Spring Lecture Series with his lecture on Henry Martyn’s Missionary Preparation and Vocation Life. This lecture and reception hour will be hosted by BCS at Cities Church on Thursday, March 21. The event is free and open to the public. Visit to learn more or RSVP.

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Manfully Before The Throne: Prayer & Fasting for Christian Men

Manfully Before The Throne: Prayer & Fasting for Christian Men

On their knees, Christian men own their weakness and become their strongest. Jesus taught us all how to pray, and his apostles give some specifics for men. Join the men of Cities Church, as we eat Chick-Fil-A for breakfast, talk about fasting, and reflect on what God says about prayer to men in particular. We’ll meet upstairs in the Chapel and hear from Pastor David Mathis.

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Community Group Leaders Summit

Community Group Leaders Summit

After the morning worship service, we’ll meet upstairs in the Chapel from 11:45am-1:15pm. Lunch will be provided for whole families and then the kids will be dismissed to childcare. We hope to see all of our CG Leaders here – remember to RSVP!


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