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Theological Foundations I
Join us on Friday night, February 21, 2025, from 6:00pm-9:00pm, for a study on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Please register by February 1.
Track I
Registration closed.
Yes, there is, but think of it less as homework and more as a way to steep your mind and heart in rich theological truth. Prior to the seminar on February 21, we ask that each participant complete a “devotional walk-through” of the topics:
Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God (Part 1)
Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God (Part 2)
The Saving Work of Christ
These are lessons 10-12 in the Theological Foundations I curriculum from Bethlehem College and Seminary. A student guide will be provided for each participant.
There is a deadline (Feb. 1) because we want to leave each participant enough time to complete the devotional walk-through of the topics covered in the seminar.
Yes, God willing. The plan is to complete the entire Theological Foundations course by focusing on three topics per seminar.
The next seminar will be held on Friday, May 30, which will cover the saving work of Christ.
The seminar will be led by Pastor Jonathan and others from the pastoral team.
Christian Formation
This course aims to deepen each participant’s understanding of the Christian’s calling to become more like Jesus from the heart. Our calling to Christlikeness — what Paul describes as being “mature in Christ” (see Colossians 1:28) — is the goal of discipleship and thus is central to the mission of Cities Church. Through rigorous attention to selected readings, personal reflection, and a mixture of class lectures and group discussions, each participant who completes this course will be better equipped to:
Understand the meaning of spiritual formation and a basic framework of human personhood;
Experience renewal in one’s own pursuit of Christlikeness;
Develop a vision for the transformation of every dimension of human life and how the local church might support such a vision.
Track II
Women’s cohort registration closed.
Men’s cohort registration closed.
Yes, this course is part of Track II of The Cities Institute, which replaces what we previously called “the leadership pipeline.” The structure and purpose of the pipeline is retained — to equip the members of our church to serve as leaders, formally or informally, either at Cities Church or one of our plants — but the curriculum is new and open to anyone interested in growing in their theological knowledge.
Throughout the 12-week period, each participant is expected to complete around 300 pages of reading. You can do it!
You may purchase the books from any online bookseller.
Following the patten of our Life Group structure, the cohorts will be small and gender-specific, with the men cohorts taught by men and the women cohorts taught by women.
Gatherings will include a short teaching and group discussion.
Saturday mornings are the best time for the largest amount of people. With the class times being the first half of Saturday, we still leave most of the day for family time and recreation.
Men’s cohorts will meet from 6:30–8:00am and 8:00–9:30am.
The women’s cohort will meet from 9:00–10:30am.
Yes, we are planning to offer this course again, along with two other courses within Track II of The Cities Institute, on a rotating basis.
Pastors Mike Schumann, Mike Polley, and Jonathan Parnell will each lead a men’s cohort.
Andrea Hoglund will lead the women’s cohort.
The Cities Institute exists to provide the theological foundations for a life of discipleship and gospel advance.
Divided into three tracks, TCI offers learning pathways for the entire church, developing leaders, and specialized residencies.
Track I
To educate our membership in theological foundations in accordance with the Leadership Affirmation of Faith
Large, mixed gathering
4 courses
2 years
Track II
To equip men & women for formal and informal leadership at Cities Church or one of our church plants
Gender-specific cohorts
3 courses
18 months
Track III
To prepare men & women for the vocation of church planting and global missions
One-on-one training
12-18 month residency
Questions about TCI?
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