Ask Your Father
Josiah Bennett

My children ask me for a lot of things. 

They ask about the daily things, what time is it, what’s for dinner, can I have something to drink, can we play this game, or have a snack? 

My kids know that I want to give them good things, but sometimes, I have to say no, for their good. But still, they ask, and ask, and ask. They are persistent and bold. Children are rarely embarrassed to ask for something of their parents.

When I think about how freely my children approach me with their requests, I’m humbled to admit, that I am often not as persistent nor as bold with my heavenly Father, as he has welcomed us to be. Maybe that’s because I should be more confident about what I am asking for

Jesus in John 15 tells us “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done.” Jesus teaches us that we should boldly ask for the things that God tells us to ask for. 

So as we read through Scripture each day, we should let the truth of Scripture influence how we pray, for ourselves and for others.

Brothers and sisters, this morning the exhortation is to let us pray bold prayers to our Father, standing on this promise from Jesus. Let us pray, daily and eagerly for the impossible situations we face, trusting that God is able to do the impossible.

And this reminds us to confess our sins. What a privilege that we can confess our prayerlessness through prayer to Christ. 

Father, forgive me of my prayerlessness. Forgive me for treating you like an extra cup of coffee to get me through the day. Forgive me for relying more on my wit or will when difficult situations arise than on your saving grace that can bring true hope and change. Forgive me for not first turning to prayer when dealing with a difficult trial. Forgive me for not regularly asking and asking for the salvation of my unsaved relatives. Forgive me for not regularly asking and asking and asking for the mending of broken relationships. Thank you for your kindness and love toward us, in that even in our sin and prayerlessness, you care for us, and welcome us, as a loving Father, to boldly approach your throne through the blood of Jesus Christ with all our requests.

And now Father, help us to search our hearts further and confess our sins in this time of silent confession. 


What We Learn from the End of Acts


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