Back to the Genesis
And just like that it’s fall.
The Great Minnesota Get-Together is winding down as the air cools down. We’ve hit reset, school has started back, and I’m sure several of you are already donning hoodies, at least in the mornings.
And since the fall is here, it’s almost customary that we’d be preaching through the book of Genesis. That’s because preaching through Genesis is exactly what we’ve done almost every fall since we became a church. If you’ve been at Cities that whole time, this book has practically become the new Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Going back to September 2016 we started this journey in Chapters 1–11, then the next year it was Chapters 12–26, and now this Sunday we’re beginning the end with Chapter 27. It has been a wonderful journey, not to mention it’s been “One Book, Three Locations.”
I’m really excited about this new series, and I’m asking the Father to make it fruitful — to give us a harvest of insight and depth and souls added to our congregation. I hope that you come expectant and eager to hear from God.
Catching Up...
Pastor Joe will probably mention some of these things in his sermon on Sunday, but to catch us back up to speed with what’s happening in Genesis, here’s a little refresher . . .
In Chapter 25 we first see the conflict between Jacob and Esau. Two brothers in a tussle isn’t new to Genesis, but this is a different kind of deal. Esau gives up his birthright, well, because Jacob tricked him.
Then next, in Chapter 26, we get into some theological commentary. Here is where we read about God’s promise to Isaac, Jacob and Esau’s father, and Abraham’s son. In short, we read that the inheritance of Isaac is God’s promised blessings to Abraham. What God had promised Abraham — which was against all odds and has occupied so much of the Genesis narrative — is now extending to Isaac.
Faith in God’s Promise
And therefore, it makes Jacob look less like a scoundrel in his trickery. Jacob recognized God’s promise of blessing to his father, having been extended to him from Abraham. And Jacob considered that blessing worth fighting for. In contrast, Esau was flighty and flippant with the birthright, which shows what he really thinks about God’s promise.
Here’s the message: Jacob treasured God’s promise; but Esau scorned it.
One models a life of faith in God (albeit gnarly faith); but the other is unbelief.
To be continued … (literally, like this Sunday, September 2, 10am.)
Genesis 27–50
If you’d like to follow along with the sermon series by additional study, check out the new Quarterly (extra copies to arrive soon).
This volume includes study questions by Pastor Michael Thiel and articles by Dan Nichols, Laura Fuehrer, Kenny Ortiz, Steph Weers, and more.