Consider the Chapel

Our first Sunday in this building was back on Easter of 2018. This past week I ran across an old photo from that day of our church here in this sanctuary, and do y’all know what it looked like?

It looked pretty much like it looks today. 

Now there’s a lot of different people in the room today, which is great, but it was as full then as it is now, which means over the last six years we’ve hovered around the same size on Sundays — which happens to be around the max number of people this room can hold. 

And that is neither shocking nor terrible — First, it’s not shocking because it makes sense that a room will only fit as many people as it can. And second, it’s not terrible because numerical growth is not our mission (we’ve never been all about numbers). 

Both of those things remain true. 

And at the same time, I’ve been praying, with the pastors, that God would send renewal to our church — I want you to want to be a witness to Jesus in all the places where you live, work, and play; I want you to want to share the gospel with friends and coworkers; I want you to invite people to our church. 

We all agree that’s a good thing, right?! Amen! 

But here’s the thing — track with me: even if just a small part of you started doing more of that — if new friends started coming, if God were to do what he does and draw more people to himself through us, the big question is: where will they sit?

The question we should ask is: what if God answers our prayers?

I believe we should do things to anticipate that he will, and here’s one idea: 

We have a beautiful, newly remodeled chapel just up these stairs and down that hall, and on Sundays, the entire service is streamed in that chapel on a big screen. The room fits 200 people, but I’m just looking for 72.

72 is a good Bible number, and I think that’s the perfect number for a critical mass that would make corporate worship in that room a good experience. 10 people won’t do it. 20 — nah. 30 — ehh. I need 72 of you.

And I’m speaking to the family here — If you’re a guest or newer to our church, please join us in here. We’re so glad you’re with us. If you’re a member at Cities and you’re bringing a friend, y’all sit in here too. 

But everybody else, Cities family, as you’re able, I exhort you to consider the chapel. Consider serving our church by being one of the 72 people to sit in the chapel so that we have more seats in here in anticipation that God will answer our prayers in this new season. 

Let’s pray:

Father, you know our hearts. You know our deepest intentions and desires. You know our inhibitions. And Father, as we think about your work in this world and the advance of your gospel and the glory of your Son, that is what we care most about. We want you to magnify your glory through us — and if there’s anything in our hearts that opposes that, would you show us? We pray, search us, O God, and know our hearts! Try us and know our thoughts, even now in this time of silent confession…

Father, you have made us glad by your work; at the works of your hands we sing for joy — and the greatest of all your works is the cross and victory of Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you that Jesus died for us, in our place, and that he was raised from the dead, defeating sin and death. Thank you that he is ascended and coming again, and that he has sent his Spirit to open our eyes to know him and love him and be the church together. Fill us afresh with your Spirit this morning, and deepen our joy in all that you are for us, in Jesus’s name, amen. 

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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