Cultivate Your Affections

Cultivate Your Affections
Max Kozak

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. “

An author once said, “Tell me what you love and I’ll tell you who you are.” Or in other words; our affections often reveal our heart’s true loyalties, and its deepest treasures.

Now this morning, I’d like to remind us that our affections are not a static reality that we are helpless bystanders of: Scripture speaks volumes to cultivating and shaping our desires and our affections. 

And one of the means God has given us - in his kindness- for the task of heart-formation - is habit, or rhythms: It’s what we regularly immerse ourselves in.

There is a powerful feedback loop,  a constant reinforcement between what we immerse ourselves in - and what our hearts are most drawn to. 

And we see it in Psalm 1 - David is not just addressing information here; he’s addressing heart-formation. And he starts by asking: Who do you follow? Where do you spend your time? Who do you hang out with? What does your mind and your heart tend to linger on? What captures your delight and your affections? 

Psalm 1 reminds us that what we immerse ourselves in - is shaping what we love, which in turn - impacts who we’re becoming.

And that’s true for both good and for evil: Whether it’s the heart-corruption that comes from being regularly immersed in the company of bad friends,Or the powerful heart-formation that comes through a regular lingering in God’s word.

Will we be “like a tree, planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and in all that he does he prospers?” Or will we be like a weed, tossed around by the wind?

So my exhortation this morning is: 

1st: ask yourself: what do I immerse myself in? Who do I surround myself with? What am I most often drawn to? What do I like to watch and listen to? Are my affections and my habits in line with who I am as a new creation in Jesus?

2nd: Immerse yourself in the rhythms and habits God has given us to shape our affections for Him. They are His Gifts for our joy. Linger in His word daily, spend time with his people regularly. Set rhythms that will cultivate your affections for your deepest treasure - King Jesus.


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