Do Not Be Anxious

Do Not Be Anxious
Joshua Foster

What has been something difficult in your life lately? What situation, or circumstance or maybe person has made you anxious? This morning’s exhortation is do not be anxious. Life can come at us with so many different circumstances and difficulties. Ranging from things like I have a lot of errands I need to do and I don’t know how I’m getting them all done today to heavier sort of stuff like relational strife maybe in your marriage or someone you’re close to or maybe unforseen big expense or anything in your life that has just been difficult and has caused you to be anxious at some level.

In Philippians 4 Paul says, do not be anxious, and to top it off he says: do not be anxious about anything. I don’t know about you but there are times where I feel like I have the right to be anxious. For example, we had a miscarriage in the beginning of this year and it started when we were visiting my family in Puerto Rico in December, and when it was happening we weren’t sure what was going on and so we went to the hospital to figure things out but it was a few months after the hurricane and half of the hospital was closed for different reasons and they didn’t have the right equipment and so we had to wait a few hours and we had to go to a hospital on the other side of the island and things were just crazy and honestly I was just straight up anxious.

And yet scripture says Don’t be anxious about anything! And here’s the thing it doesn’t just leave us with that but it continues, In everything by prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God.

We have a Father in heaven who cares about us more than we can ever imagine and he wants us to go to him. So pray to him, humbly and thankfully, and to ask him to supply our needs. Sometimes when I’m anxious and I think of this verse but I don’t know what to ask for and so I just pray Father help me not to be anxious, help me to trust you. A lot of times when we’re anxious we are not trusting God in some way because our circumstances are just so much in our face and it clouds out the reality of who God is and his presence in our lives. 

Let's seek him now in prayer and confession . . .



Cling to Jesus


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