Learn Wisdom From Jesus

Learn Wisdom From Jesus
Mike Polley

Proverbs 1:7 says,

“The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Which means, wisdom doesn’t fundamentally come from having a high IQ. It doesn’t fundamentally come from having a lot of experience.

Wisdom begins, wisdom starts with a fear of the Lord.  It starts when we learn to receive and follow the Lord’s instruction. Having a high IQ, or having lots of life experience, may help you grow in wisdom, but only to the degree that it is married to God’s instruction and guidance.

The wise aren’t the smartest, or the oldest, but those who listen to God. The wise are those who listen to God’s word and follow it, whether anyone sees it or not, or whether the fruit is immediately seen, or not. Wisdom is doing the right thing even if the benefit isn’t immediately received.

The fool in contrast to the wise, despises wisdom and instruction. The fool only obeys when it seems favorable to him. The fool is like a man who is going on a morning run, and thinks he can cut a few seconds off of his personal best by running strait through intersections without looking for oncoming cars. He makes it through the first one. He maybe even makes it through the next few intersections, and with each one he becomes more confident in his own wisdom, and more self-deceived that he is fine.

But there will come an intersection with a car, and it won’t turn out well for him. In fact, it is by the mercy of God that He made it even through the first one without harm. Now to the outside observer, it is plain to see he is a fool. But when we go against God’s Word, in our actions or our attitudes, we are just like that fool.

We may think we are gaining by trying to follow God sometimes, while keeping a sinful pleasure we enjoy, or keeping our selfishness or keeping our pride. It doesn’t seem like it is harming us too much so we become more and more ok with it. We start to live off of our own opinion, and disregard some instructions and warnings from God. And whether is it a sinful action, or sinful attitude, it will eventually run us through the wrong intersection.

But the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The wise may not yet fully understand all God’s reasons, and yet they are wise because they listen to God. They desire to obey to honor the Lord. And avoid wrong even if they don’t see the immediate consequence of it, and they pursue good, even if they don’t see the immediate blessing of it.

Wisdom is attainable for all of us, and we will grow in wisdom as we follow Jesus and learn from Him. We will gain understanding as we obey, and we will see God’s goodness in his instructions more clearly. Learn from the wisest person that ever lived. Trust the wisest person that ever lived. Jesus knows what He is doing. He is the good shepherd who knows how to lead his sheep, and lays down his life for them.

Exhortation: Don’t get hit by a car! Or, don’t be the fool, but learn wisdom from Jesus.

Would you pray with me?

Father, we all have been the fool, yet you have been merciful to us. You are for us, and not against us. No good thing do you withhold from those who walk uprightly. Help us to trust that you are not try to keep anything from us, but want us to have an abundant life, which is found in the wisdom, and love, and grace of your Son. Father, reveal to us the ways we are living like the fool, and help us to confess those things and turn from them, in this moment of silent confession…

Father, because of Jesus, those who trust in Him will never receive the full consequences of their sin. It is only by your grace and mercy. Lord create in us a clean heart. May our actions, and the words of our mouths, and the meditations in our hearts be pleasing to you. As we turn from our sin, grant us joy, and let us learn from you this morning. In Jesus name, amen.


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