Look to Jesus
Joshua Foster Sr.

Before we continue our worship through singing, today’s exhortation for us this easter morning is simply, look to Jesus. What I mean by that is look to Jesus and see the beauty of God’s wisdom and love.

So look to Jesus the one who created the universe and “upholds it by the power of his word.” The one who didn’t count his position as God as a privilege to keep him from becoming a man.

Look to Jesus the one who plunged right into the violence and chaos, immersing himself into the vulnerability of human life in a broken and corrupt world.

Look to Jesus the one who gave the blind sight, made the deaf hear, allowed the lame to walk, made the lepers clean, and who gave the dead life.

Look to Jesus the one who was sent to proclaim good news to the poor and to bind up the brokenhearted, the one who came to set the captives free and to comfort those who are oppressed.

Look to Jesus the one who is far from the proud and yet close to the humble. The one who gives a voice to the voiceless and dignity to the outcast.

Look to Jesus the one who challenges our conceptions of who God is and anything that gets in our way from truly worshipping and following God.

Look to Jesus the one who confronts our assumptions and stereotypes. The one who taught that he was in a unique exclusive relationship with God the Father and that if we want to know the God who created us, then we need to know him.

Look to Jesus. The one who confounds the powers of the world, by giving up his life. The one who conquers not by fighting but by dying.

Look to Jesus the one who suffered and died for our sins. The one who reconciled all things to himself, making peace by the blood of his cross…

Look to Jesus the one who could not stay in the grave but rose from the dead on the third day.

The one who has been given the name above all names so that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Look to Jesus the one who will come again in glory and wipe away every tear from his people’s eyes, the one who will take away all sorrow, pain, and death.


The Worst Thing Is Never the Last Thing


Beautiful Words