Looking Back, Looking Forward

Looking Back, Looking Forward
Max Kozak

In the gospel of Luke, we meet a man named Simeon. Simeon is described as a righteous and devout man, waiting for the consolation of Israel.

This consolation (or comfort) that Simeon was waiting for, was the coming of the promised Messiah. Simeon was waiting for Christmas. And though we see only a moment of his life, there was nothing momentary about his waiting. Simeon had been waiting for a long time…

I imagine the young boy, Simeon, first hearing about the Messiah, as his parents explained the promised rescue for God’s people. Surely, the Messiah would bring true and lasting comfort. 

And so year after year, Simeon waited. Then decade after decade — through the same kinds of ups and downs we all face in life — Through hardships, suffering, and darkness, Simeon waited. First the boy Simeon, then the man Simeon, and eventually the old man Simeon … waited. 

And he wasn’t the only one waiting. In fact, Simeon had entered into the final stretch of a lineage of waiting that went back as far as Genesis chapter 3. For as long as God’s promise of a coming Messiah had been known — God’s people have been waiting for Christmas.

And so this Advent, in our annual season of waiting before Christmas, we have an opportunity to step into, linger in, and learn from the faith-filled waiting of God’s people as they anticipated the coming of Jesus at Christmas.

And as we look back, we do so with a New Covenant perspective. Christmas happened. God’s promises have been fulfilled. Christ has come, He dealt decisively with sin, and rose Victorious on Easter. We no longer merely wait, we receive and worship Jesus.

And yet, we too are a people waiting for the coming Jesus. Because Jesus came the first time, we can trust his promise that He will come again: His Second Advent. And this time, “not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.”

And so we look forward to his return and every Advent we testify together:

“Christ has Come, Christ will come again.”

And so, this Advent, let us be a people eagerly waiting for the coming Jesus.


The Wise Men and Their Treasure


Current Reality