You’re invited to the upper room. 

It’s a metaphor, drawing from Acts 1:13, after Jesus commissioned the apostles and ascended to heaven. 

Once Jesus was seated on his heavenly throne, the apostles returned to Jerusalem, to the “upper room” where they had been staying. Luke names all 11 of them, along with “the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers” (Acts 1:14). They were all together, in one accord, devoting themselves to prayer.

Then, verse 15, 

In those days, Peter stood up among the brothers (the company of persons was in all about 120)…

Wait a minute? Did you catch that?

Verses 13–14 speak of less than 20 people, and a verse later, after a relatively short span of time (“in those days”), Luke tells us their number has grown to 120. 

This was the first church planting team — the first church, period. It was 120 men and women who believed in the person and work of Jesus Christ and soon to be the filled with the Holy Spirit (see 2:1–4).

What Might God Do?

Do we underestimate what God might be pleased to do through 120 men and women transformed by the gospel? And if we do, doesn’t the Book of Acts set us straight? 

Chapter 1:15’s “120 persons” is one gospel presentation away from “3,000 souls” added 2:41, and then the rest is history. By the end of Acts 28, the gospel is advancing to all nations and it has never stopped.

And if God would do that with 120, what might he be pleased to do with 297 … 297 who are united for the gospel, commissioned as Jesus’s witnesses, led by the Holy Spirit?

297 is the number of our covenant members, and what matters most is not the number, but the unity, the mission. That’s the metaphor of the upper room. 

Are You In?

The upper room is the symbol of a church together. These brothers and sisters were overcome by the glory of Jesus and committed to following him, to being used by him. And they were!

One way to think about freshly embracing the mission and vision of Cities Church is as stepping into the “upper room.” It’s what I want for everyone who enters our doors, for guests and even for covenant members — whoever calls Cities Church home, or is considering calling it home, I want us all to be united on our calling to make disciples and plant churches. I want us to be devoted to our mission and vision not just theoretically, or even just practically, but affectionately. Jesus Christ has transformed our lives and he has called us to, empowers us to, will go with us to make him known. 

That’s our invitation. Are you in?

Come to the Foyer?

On November 12, we’re having one more Foyer before the year’s out — and you all are welcome to come! It’s not just for those new to our church, but for anyone who wants a refresh of what drives us. CG leaders, long-time members — anyone and everyone — would you consider coming on Friday, November 12, 6:00pm, as we get back to the basics and remember what it’s all about? As we step into the upper room?

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.




The Joy of Salvation and Riches of His Glory