A handful of Cities Church members have surprising first memories of our nursery co-coordinator Erin Horn.

In the fall of 2004, she was plastered on billboards around campus at the U of M, featured as one of the top Gopher volleyball players. Yes, with the memorable white headband.

And the honor proved warranted, as she was named an All-American her senior year and led the Gophers to the number-two ranking in the nation.

Once she was feared in the Big Ten, and around the country, as one of the Gophers all-time leaders in “kills.” But today our people know her as the kind, outgoing, gracious mother of two and wife of Aaron.

February Feature by the Gophers

For Black History Month, the Gopher athletic department is interviewing some of the school's top African American athletes from its storied history. Erin was interviewed recently, and you can read the whole interview for yourself. We thought in particular our community would enjoy reading her final two answers that represent so well our shared love for Jesus and his good gift of diverse ethnicities and cultures.

What are you grateful for?

Wow. Where should I begin? I have so much to be grateful for, but I will try to keep it short. First, and foremost, I am grateful for my relationship with Jesus Christ. I became a Christian while I was in college and I continue to be amazed that God would choose to love a self-centered, egotistic person like me. He transformed me into a caring, others-oriented, follower of Christ, and I am eternally grateful. I am grateful for my two incredible kids Charley (21 months) and Xander (4 months). They keep me on my toes and help me to find joy in what some would call mundane. My husband, Aaron Horn. He is not at all the man I thought I would marry, but he is exactly who I needed. I am so thankful that he is mine! Lastly, I am grateful for my time as a student-athlete. Many of my closest friendships were forged during my time at the U of M. I learned the value of hard work and time management, and was blessed to have some of the greatest times of my life along the way.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month is about honoring the men and women who paved the way for so many African-Americans like myself. If it weren't for some of the great historical figures and freedom fighters: Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, Martin Luther King Jr, John Lewis (my son's namesake), and many others, we would not have many of the opportunities we so easily take for granted. Because of the lives of so many before me, I am able to vote, attend school, shop wherever I desire, use a public bathroom, and be in an interracial marriage. Black History Month is a time for me to reflect and be grateful for all that has been accomplished and also a painful reminder that we aren't done yet.

Also, see this recent article about her from Gopher sports.


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