Sin Earns Death
Mike Polley

For this mornings exhortation, leading into a short time of confession, I want us to ponder: what is the cost of sin? Not just sin in general, our sin, your sin. We often can fail to recognize, or readily admit, the gravity of the problem of our sin, and the necessary cost to forgive it and remove it.

In order for us to be saved, in order for us to be forgiven and freed from our sin, someone needed to die. The just consequence of sin is death.  

Not a “time out or a toy being taken away.” Not a “I’ll make up for it next time.” Not a “second chance to get it right.”  

The wages of sin is death. What your sin earned for you is condemnation and death.

Death was the only way back, Jesus understood this as he prayed in the garden three times saying: “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me;”. 

If there was another way Jesus would have taken it. God is not reckless and excessive with punishment. The Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father. If teaching is all we needed than that is what Jesus would have provided. But we needed much more than that. In order to deliver us from our debt of sin He needed to die. Forgiveness needed to be purchased. And this reminds us of our need to confess our sins.


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