As our society continues to face unprecedented challenges, the mission of the churches doesn’t change. Missiologist David Hesselgrave explains, 

The primary mission of the church and, therefore, of local churches, is to proclaim the gospel of Christ and gather believers into local churches where they can be built up in the faith and made effective in service, thereby planting new congregations throughout the world. (Planting Churches Cross-Culturally)

This is the bull’s eye of what Cities Church is all about. We want to make disciples and plant churches. That’s the mission and the vision. Make disciples, plant churches. 

And in light of the pandemic and our regular routines getting turned upside-down, that has required all kinds of creativity, but nevertheless, by God’s grace, we press on. In God’s kindness, Westview Church, led by planter, Brett Toney, and team, covenanted together on Wednesday evening. They are beginning to gather outdoors on Sunday! (Our hope is that we’ll have a commissioning service for their founding membership once we’re able to get back into our building.) 

Thanks be to God for his work in the Westview team! This is a significant moment in the life of Cities Church. We are so blessed.

I’m also thrilled to announce our newest church planting resident …


Mike & Amelia

Mike is married to Amelia, and they have two children, Lydia and Caleb, and they live in St. Anthony Village area. The Schumanns are not strangers to Cities Church as they were originally covenant members here before helping Redeemer Church launch in Roseville. Mike served as one of the founding pastors at Redeemer along with Dan Nichols and Kyle McIver, and now is pursuing God’s call to lead a new church in the Twin Cities. He’ll join the staff team at Cities Church as our 2020/2021 church planting resident, working toward planting in Fall 2021, God willing!

Welcome the Schumanns!

Although we are not all meeting together yet on Sundays, please take a minute and welcome Mike and Amelia to Cities Church, and to this residency! You can send them a note of welcome by emailing

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


Two Gatherings Now


Identity and the Gospel