Exhortations, meditations, and encouragement from and for Cities Church
hear exhortations on:
Rooted Countdown
- Bible Study
- Biblical Studies
- Children
- Community
- COVID-19
- Degree
- Discipleship
- Discussion
- Everyday Life
- Exhortation
- Forgiveness
- Four Years In
- Going Level-Three
- Life Groups
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- Meditation
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- Mens Blog
- Mission
- News & Updates
- Pastoral Blog
- Q&A
- Race & Culture
- Rooted Countdown
- The Church
- The Gospel
- Together
- Updates
- Womens Blog
- Worship
- 2nd Corinthians
- abortion
- Abortion
- Abraham
- Accountability
- Acts
- adam
- Adam
- adoption
- Adoption
- advent
- Advent
- advocate
- affections
- Alone
- already
- america
- America
- Angels
- anger
- anxiety
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- apologetics
- apostasy
- Approach
- approval
- Ark
- Armies of heaven
- art
- Art
- Ascension
- assessment
- assurance
- atonement
- authority
- Authority
- Autority
- awakening
- Awakening
- awe
- Baby Jesus
- baptism
- barnabas
- be still
- Be Still
- Beauty
- Belief
- Besetting sin
- Bethlehem
- bible
- Bible
- Bible reading
- Bible Study
- biblical theology
- Biblical Theology
- biography
- Black History
- Black History Month
- blessing
- Blessing
- blindness
- blood
- Body
- books
- Books
- broken
- brother
- Brotherly Affection
- Build up
- Building
- Bunyan
- burden
- Burden
- business
- busy
- Busy
- calendar
- call to worship
- calling
- Calling
- canon
- career
- Celebrate
- change
- Change
- Chapel
- Character
- Child
- Childcare
- children
- Children
- choices
- Christ
- christian community
- Christian Community
- Christian life
- Christian Life
- christian love
- Christians
- Christlikeness
- Christmas
- church
- Church
- Church Health
- church planting
- Church Planting
- circumcision
- Circumstances
- Cities Church
- City
- clapping
- closeness
- Colossians 3:23
- comfort
- Comfort
- commercial Christmas
- commision
- committment
- Committments
- Communion
- community
- Community Groups
- community'
- compassion
- complementarity
- confession
- Confession
- conflict
- Conflict
- connect
- consecration
- Construction
- Content
- Control
- conversation
- Conversion
- cornerstone
- corporate worship
- Corporate Worship
- counsel
- Counsel
- count the cost
- courage
- Courage
- covenant
- Covenant
- covid
- creation
- Creation
- cross
- Cross
- crowd
- crucifixion
- Crucifixion
- Cruciform
- CS Lewis
- culture
- Culture
- current
- darkness
- Darkness
- David
- Day of the Lord
- deacons
- death
- Death
- decisions
- dedication
- Deeper
- Delight
- Deliverance
- dependence
- device
- Devil
- devotion
- Devotion
- devotions
- difficult
- Disagreement
- Disappointment
- discernment
- disciple
- discipleship
- Discipleship
- discipline
- distraction
- Distraction
- Division
- doctrine
- doubt
- dwelling
- Easter
- Ecclesiastes
- eldership
- emmaus road
- emotions
- encouragement
- Encouragement
- Endeavors
- endurance
- enthusiasm
- Envy
- Epiphany
- Essentials
- eternity
- Eternity
- evangelism
- Evangelism
- Eve
- Everlasting Father
- evil
- Exhort
- exhortation
- Exhortation
- Exodus
- expectation
- faith
- Faith
- faith and work
- faithful
- faithfulness
- Faithfulness
- false humilty
- family
- Family
- Family Worship
- fast
- fasting
- Father
- Father's Day
- fear
- Fear
- fear of God
- fear of man
- fellowship
- Fellowship
- Flood
- Fools
- foreknowledge
- forgiven
- forgiveness
- Forgiveness
- Foster Care
- framing
- Freedom
- Freedom in Christ
- Friendliness
- friendship
- Friendship
- fruit of spirit
- frustration
- future
- Future
- galatians
- gender
- generosity
- Generosity
- Genesis
- gift
- giving
- Giving
- glo
- global missions
- Global Missions
- glory
- Glory
- Glory of God
- Goals
- God
- God's faithfulness
- God's love
- God's Love
- God's Power
- God's presence
- God's Sovereignty
- God's story
- God's word
- God's Word
- godliness
- Godward
- goodness
- gospe
- gospel
- Gospel
- Gospel of John
- grace
- Grace
- gratitude
- Great Commission
- greeting
- Greeting
- grief
- growth
- guidance
- Guidance
- guilt
- Habit
- habits
- Habits
- habits of grace
- Halloween
- happiness
- Happiness
- Hard Work
- Healing
- heart
- Heart
- hearts
- heaven
- Heaven
- heaviness
- Hebrews
- hell
- help
- helpless
- Helpless
- hevel
- history
- holiness
- Holiness
- Holy
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Week
- home
- homosexuality
- honesty
- hope
- Hope
- Horizon City Church
- hospitality
- Hospitality
- household liturgy
- Human Nature
- humble
- humility
- Humility
- hurry
- hurting
- husbands
- Husbands
- Ice Cream
- identity
- idolatry
- Idols
- image of God
- imagination
- Immanuel
- impatience
- Impatience
- imperturbabillity
- Incarnation
- Influence
- information
- injustice
- integrity
- intercession
- Isaiah 9:6
- Isaiah 46
- James
- jesus
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Worshiper
- job
- Joe Rigney
- John the Baptist
- joy
- Joy
- Joy in Christ
- Judgment
- justice
- Justice
- justification
- Justification
- Keller
- kids
- Kids
- king
- kingdom
- kingdom of God
- Knowing God
- knowledge
- knowledge of God
- Known
- Lamb of God
- land
- lawsuit
- leadership
- learning
- legacy
- leisure
- Lent
- level-three
- Leviticus
- life
- Life
- Life Group
- life together
- Life Together
- Light
- liturgy
- Liturgy
- Living Water
- longing
- Lord
- Lord's Supper
- love
- Love
- love of god
- love of God
- Love of God
- lovin
- loving others
- Loving Others
- Luke 8
- Luther
- manger
- manhood
- marketplace
- marriage
- Marriage
- Martha
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Martyr
- Mary
- Maun
- Maundy Thursday
- media
- meditation
- Meditation
- membership
- Membership
- Men
- Mentor
- mercies
- mercy
- Mercy
- Merit
- Messiah
- Mighty God
- ministry
- Minnesota
- missi
- mission
- Mission
- Missionaries
- missions
- modern age
- money
- Money
- More of Jesus
- morning
- Mother's Day
- motherhood
- Motherhood
- motivation
- Motivation
- mundane
- music
- Music
- National Night Out
- nations
- Nature
- Needs
- neighboring
- Neighboring
- New Creation
- New Year
- New Year's Day
- news
- Noah
- not yet
- obedience
- obstacles
- offerings
- Old Testament
- On Mission
- open
- Opportunity
- opposition
- orientation
- Original Nature
- orphans
- Overflow Seating
- overwhelmed
- Packer
- pain
- Palm Sunday
- Parables
- parenting
- Parenting
- passion
- Passion
- pastoral ministry
- patience
- Paul
- peace
- Peace
- Peace on earth
- Pentecost
- people pleasing
- Perfect
- persecuted church
- Persecuted Church
- persecution
- Persecution
- perseverance
- Philippians
- phone
- place
- planning
- plans
- pleasure
- Pleasure
- politics
- power
- Power
- praise
- prayer
- Prayer
- praying
- Preachers
- preaching
- presence
- pride
- priest
- Prince of Peace
- prolife
- promise
- promises
- Promises
- prosperity
- Prosperity
- Proverbs
- Proverbs 19
- providence
- provision
- Provision
- Psalm 103
- Psalms
- purpose
- Purpose
- questions
- Questions
- quiet
- Quiet
- quietness & trust
- race
- Race
- racial harmony
- racism
- Racism
- reaction
- reading
- reality
- Reality
- reaping
- rebellion
- receptive
- Redeemer
- Redemption
- reflection
- Reformation
- Refuge
- Relationships
- religion
- Rememberance
- reminders
- renewal
- Renewal
- Renovation of the Heart
- repentance
- Repentance
- reset
- resources
- rest
- Rest
- Restoration
- resurrection
- Resurrection
- return of Jesus
- revelation
- Revelation
- reverence
- review
- revival
- Revival
- Reward
- rhythms
- riches of Christ
- righteous anger
- righteousness
- Righteousness
- Romans
- Rooted
- Roots
- Roseville
- Rules
- run
- sacrament
- sacrifice
- Sacrifice
- saints
- salvation
- Salvation
- sanctification
- Sanctification
- Satan
- Satisfaction
- Savior
- Scripture
- seasons
- Second Coming
- Seeking
- self-forgetfulness
- self-knowledge
- self-worth
- sermons
- servanthood
- Servants
- Serve
- service
- Serving
- sexuality
- shame
- Shame
- sheep
- Sheep
- shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherds
- sick
- sign
- silence
- sin
- Sin
- Sing
- singing
- sinners
- skepticism
- Smile of God
- society
- Solas
- solitude
- Son of God
- sorrow
- Soul
- sowing
- speaking
- special
- spiritual disciplines
- Spiritual Growth
- spirituality
- sports
- Sproul
- staff
- Star
- story
- strategy
- strength
- Stress
- Struggle
- Study
- substitution
- suffering
- Suffering
- Summer 2024
- Summit
- Sunday
- Sunrise
- supportive
- supremacy of christ
- Sweet as Honey
- symbol
- Symbols
- Sympathy
- teaching
- technology
- temptation
- testing
- thankfulness
- Thankfulness
- thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving
- The Cities Institute
- The glory of God
- The sovereignty of God
- The Watchful Man
- the world
- theology
- Theology
- thief
- Things of Earth
- time
- Time
- Tired
- Tithe
- Torrance
- Total Depravity
- transformation
- Treasure
- trial
- Trial
- trials
- Trials
- trinity
- Triumph
- trust
- Trust
- truth
- Truth
- TV
- Twin Cities
- Tyndale
- unbelief
- Unbelief
- Unbelievers
- understanding
- Unfailing Love
- union with Christ
- unity
- Unity
- unreached peoples
- update
- v
- Value
- Values
- victory
- vision
- Vision
- vocation
- Voddie Baucham
- waiting
- Waiting
- wake
- War
- Warmth
- We Are Cities Church
- weak
- weakness
- wealth
- weary
- welcome
- Welcome
- Wicked
- widows
- Winter
- wisdom
- Wisdom
- Wise Men
- witness
- Witness
- Wives
- women
- Women
- word
- word of God
- words
- work
- Work
- working
- works
- worldliness
- Worldliness
- worship
- Worship
- Worshippers
- zeal
- Alen Andrews
- Andrea Hoglund
- Brett Toney
- Caitlin Boon
- Cities Church
- Clint Manley
- Dan Nichols
- Daniel Helstrom
- David Easterwood
- David Mathis
- David Wierzba
- Emily Thiel
- Erica Foster
- Erin Horn
- Jenny Rigney
- Joe Rigney
- Joel Button
- Jon Hoglund
- Jonathan Parnell
- Jordan Hecox
- Josh Jacobs
- Joshua Foster Sr
- Joshua Whetstine
- Josiah Bennett
- Kate Etter
- Kenneth Ortiz
- Kevin & Brook Kleiman
- Kevin Kleiman
- Kyle McIver
- Larry Martini
- Linda Linder
- Lindsey Dare
- Marshall Segal
- Matt Clausen
- Max Kozak
- Melissa Parnell
- Michael Thiel
- Mike Polley
- Mike Schumann
- Nick Aufenkamp
- Ryan Griffith
- Sahr Brima
- Sam Choi
- Sarah Brima
- Todd Fruehauf
- Tom Keefe
- Tyler Morris
- Zach Krych
- Zach Lang