So I don’t know about you, but our current sermon series through Exodus has been one of my favorites. Not only have I really enjoyed studying the book personally, but I’ve appreciated sitting under the preaching of our team. The sermons have been rich and practical. Throughout this series I’ve become more and more convinced that Exodus is the most important book in the Old Testament. The themes are just too important. They set trajectories for how we understand the rest of the entire Bible — not to mention the allusions and quotations from Exodus fill the pages of the New Testament.

We definitely are going to see this Sunday in Exodus 19.

And on that note, I thought it’d be good to give you an update on the series and where it’s headed.

The Rest of Exodus

Exodus 19 is a natural hinge in the book. It’s the bridge that connects the exodus event to the laws that follow. God willing, I’ll be preaching Exodus 19 this next Sunday. Then on December 22, Pastor Joe will preach a sermon that summarizes the book up to this point. We’ve seen a lot from Chapter 1 through 19, and Joe is going to remind us. (It could be my favorite sermon of the year.) Then on December 29 I’m be preaching a Yuletide sermon to celebrate God’s grace in this “most wonderful time of the year” (which lasts through Epiphany on January 5.)

Beginning on January 5 we’re doing a series within the series. We’ll spend ten Sundays focusing on each of the Ten Commandments before we pick back up with the Covenant Code and Tabernacle details in Exodus 21.

In God’s kind providence, I believe we will walk away from the Book of Exodus next Spring with a stronger grasp of the Bible’s most important themes. We should pray and expect for the Spirit to take into greater heights through his series, leading to greater joy and witness. Lord Jesus, would you do that for Cities Church, please?

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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