Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting
Kevin Kleiman

In 1988, a former Air Force pilot-turned-art-dealer named Forrest Fenn was diagnosed with cancer. The prognosis looked grim, and Forrest began to dream up some ways that he could leave behind a “legacy” of sorts. He decided to take some of his favorite & most valuable artifacts and hide them in a literal bronze treasure chest, which he proceeded to bury somewhere in the Rocky Mountains north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Later, he published a 24-line poem that was intended to give clues on the whereabouts of the treasure. One of the lines goes like this: “Begin it where warm waters halt, And take it in the canyon down, Not far, but too far to walk. Look below the home of Brown.” People were fascinated. Over the last decade, it is estimated that some 350,000 people have scoured the 3,000 mile-long mountain range looking for Fenn’s treasure, purported to be worth several million dollars. As of yet, it has not been found, and Fenn has said it may take 1,000 years for someone to finally unearth his jewels.

These types of treasure stories remind me of Proverbs chapter 2, which speaks of the value of God’s Word, and the priceless wisdom found within. “My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you… if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.” Let’s think about this for a moment. There’s something about the way we are to seek the knowledge of God that is like the search for hidden treasures. But how?

First, any good treasure hunt requires a worthy prize at the proverbial ‘X’ on the map - a treasure truly worth finding. If Forrest had buried a pair of dirty gym shorts, no one would have gone looking, no matter how good his prose was. But how much greater is the bounty God is promising to those who would seek Him in His Word? Find an old art dealer’s treasure, maybe you’ll be happy for a few weeks or months. Come face to face with the King of the universe, who promises everlasting riches of glory, belonging, adoption into His royal family, and you find deep, eternal joy. Knowing God and experiencing more of his brilliance & glory is worth more than any treasure on this earth.

Second, any true treasure hunter will tell you that searching for hidden treasure takes time, patience, effort, and perseverance. It’s not something you can research for 3 minutes as you suck down your morning coffee. That’s not how you find treasures. Similarly, when we read & study God’s Word, sometimes we may dip our pan into the river and expect to come up with 24 carat gold on the first pull. Brothers and sisters, you might need to take out your pick-ax and go down into the mine! Spend some time in there. Bring friends or family along for the journey, and search together. Remember that God promises if you seek, you will find.

So the exhortation this morning is simply this: resolve to be like a humble treasure hunter as you seek God in His Word, and in faith, by the Holy Spirit, expect to find real, lasting treasure. And this reminds of us of our need to confess our sins.

Father, we confess that we have failed to believe or act like your Word holds true treasure. We have attempted to scrape by with glimpses, and have forgotten what it means to seek you with the abandon of one searching for hidden treasure. Forgive us for our misaligned priorities, and for the dullness of our hearts. Have mercy on us, as we confess our individual sins to you now.

And Father, would you turn our eyes now to Jesus, the One with whom we can count all of the world’s gain as loss compared with the surpassing value of knowing Him, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Remind us that through faith in Him, we have died to this life, and our real life is hidden with Christ, and when He appears, we also will appear with Him in glory. Thank you for your glorious grace and help us as we strive to enter your rest, Amen.


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