Walk as Children of Light

Walk as Children of Light
Jonathan Parnell

This is not the exhortation I had originally prepared for today, but as of yesterday morning, we now live in the state that has enacted the most extreme abortion bill in the nation. 

We knew that after last summer when the Supreme Court overturned Roe versus Wade, that abortion laws would be put back on the states. That became the battlefield for life and several Christians, including many from our church, have faithfully engaged that battle and advocated for the most vulnerable among us. But the state government is still controlled by men and women who believe the murder of babies and the mutilation of children are an individual’s prerogative. In the Senate approved bill yesterday by a party-line vote, which means every Democrat voted for the bill and rejected any kind of restriction to abortion, including even partial-birth abortion. Just for perspective, this means the abortion laws in Minnesota are the same as North Korea’s. To say Minnesota is an extreme abortion state is probably an understatement. 

We live in a wicked state, led by wicked authorities, and while we mourn the wickedness, God calls us to be lights. And this is the exhortation:

Ephesians 5:8,

“Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true).”

We want to be individuals, families, and especially a kind of community that shines in the darkness. And the beams, the rays, of that light that shines are the deeds of goodness and righteousness and truth. Let’s not grow weary in doing those things. Here’s something I want you to know. The most important thing happening in the Twin Cities is not happening at the State Capitol. I really want us to get this and live up to it. The most important thing happening in the Twin Cities is what is happening in and through our church … and in and through other churches in the Twin Cities who gladly embrace the supremacy of Jesus and hold fast to his Word and truly love our neighbors.

Let’s be that. And let’s make it clear that children are welcome here.

Prayer of Confession

Father in heaven, as we mourn the recent bill, we ask that over and against the wicked laws of our state, put into place by its wicked authorities, please save children. We ask that you would protect vulnerable mothers from the bloodthirsty and deceitful propaganda of abortionists, and we ask that you would make ministries of justice to flourish. Bless the work of New Life Family Services and others who support mothers and pre-born children.

And we ask that you would bless us. Make us to be lights in the world. Give us energy and resolve and hope and joy rooted in you and your coming kingdom. And Father, toward that end, we ask that you would have mercy on us forgive us for our sins. Forgive us for the ways we have dishonored you in things that we’ve done and left undone. And now, in this time of silent confession, bring those things to mind by your Spirit, and lead us to bring them to you, in Jesus’s name. …

Father, our existence is owed to you being rich in mercy. We deserve nothing from you, and yet you have lavished your love on us in Jesus. Thank you for his death and resurrection. Thank you that he is reigning now and coming soon. We confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is our only hope and we worship you in his name, amen. 

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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