We Need God
Joshua Foster

For this mornings exhortation I want to remind us of our need for God.

There’s so much brokenness in the world. There’s so much sin, so much confusion, and so much need. And yet Humanity’s greatest need is for the Triune glory of God, revealed in who God is and what God has done.

Even as believers we need to continuously have a renewed vision of His glory as shown through all of His Word especially as revealed in the person and work of Jesus.

We need God.

We need the One who was despised and rejected by men, who was described as a man of sorrows, and who was acquainted with suffering; We need the The One who was despised by the world, who bore all grief, and carried all sorrows; We need the one who bore the sin of many,  who was oppressed and afflicted,  and who was numbered with the transgressors.

We need the one who was pierced for our transgressions; and who was crushed for our iniquities; The One whos chastisement brought us peace, whose wounds give us healing, who makes many righteous, and who even now makes intercession for us.

We need the One who is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, the One who upholds the universe by the word of his power, and yet who is gentle and lowly in heart.

We need the One who calls all who are weary to come. Who says, “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; even if you don’t have money, come, buy and eat! 

Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.”

The One who asks, “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and live and work for things that will not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:1-2 paraphrase). We need the One that truly satisfies, who gives us the true bread and true drink. The One who’s yoke is easy and who’s burden is light. The One who’s way is perfect and whose word is true.

We need God.

Whether we realize it or not, We can’t do anything without Him. In him we live, and move, and have our being. We need the repentance that He gives, the wisdom that He reveals, and the healing that He supplies.

We need the grace that He administers, the mercy that He offers, and the justice that He delivers. We need the purpose that He provides, the faithfulness that He exhibits, and the perseverance that He imparts. 

We need the unity that He grants, the glory that He displays, and the patience that He shows.

We need the desires of His excellence, the anger of His love, and the zeal of His integrity.

We need the splendor of His sacrifice, the perfection of His goodness, and the abundance of His compassion.

We need the gentleness of His persistence, the calm of His peace, and the righteousness of His affections. We need the strength of His Sovereignty. The power of His providence, and the beauty of His care.

We need the holiness of the Spirit, the joy of the Son, and the majesty of the Father. Our God is unrestrained in grace, He overflows in love, and he is abundant in mercy.

All things are from Him, by Him, through Him, to Him, and for Him.

Augustine once said: “Glory to the Father who created us, Glory to the Son who redeemed us, Glory to the Spirit who sanctified us; Glory to the most high and undivided Trinity, whose works are inseparable, whose Kingdom without end abides, from age to age, forever.”

That is who our God is. The triune glorious God revealed perfectly through the Scriptures and in the Person and Work of Jesus.

We need God.


Seek the Father For Your Testimony


From Love to Fear with Truth