What Causes Your Wars?

Have you ever gone to war against another Christian? The question, to some, may seem ludicrous, I know. After all, aren’t fellow Christians co-laborers with one another? Spiritual siblings to one another? Members together of the body of Christ who are to wage war, not against one another, but together? Who are to dwell not in disunity, but unity, with one another?

Still, the question remains. Have you ever gone to war against another Christian? The answer for many of us is yes. Not physical war to be sure, but verbal war: Hurtful words spoken either to their face or behind their back. 

Subtle war — a cold shoulder, a look of disinterest, a turning away slightly when that other person walks in the door.

Inner war — Kind and cordial on the outside, but on the inside, you’re telling them a thing or two, showing them how wrong they are, gaining on them in position or standing.

What could possibly provoke a quarrel between two souls for whom Christ died? What could ever cause such a foolish war? James asks that question, and he gives an answer, James 4:1-2,

“What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?”

Your passions, James says, is the biggest reason for your war. Not their bad attitude or their prickly personality, but your passions — your desires for worldly praise, worldly power, worldly comfort. All those things it seems that other person is getting in your way of. All those things that now seem hard for you to get because of that other person. All those things that it seems that other person already has, but you don’t, and now you covet. The agitation rises, the offense grows, and they lead you to fight and quarrel with that other person. Foolish treasures are what breed foolish wars. Treasuring whatever can be spent upon our worldly passions that others so often seem to get in our way of obtaining.

Brothers and sisters, James tells us that if worldly passions continue to be our treasures, then quarrels with other Christians will continue to be our war. Because here’s the thing, if tomorrow you were to suddenly obtain all the things that other person has, or suddenly obtain all it seems that other person has kept you from: that great marriage, that nice house, that cushy job, that impressive status, you would not be happy with those treasures. You wouldn’t. Soon enough, you’d find yourself in yet another war with yet another Christian who’s now in the way of yet another treasure of yours which you don’t have but think that you need. Your foolish treasure will continue to incite foolish war, because unsatisfied souls are the ones who take up arms against one another. The satisfied soul feels no need to.

Friend, if your war is ever going to end, it will be due not to a change in circumstances, but a change in treasure. The only way for you to quit warring and quit coveting and quit seeking to spend upon your passions, is for you to re-crown Jesus as your one and only treasure. Because no person, not even “that person” can ever get in your way of having him. Let’s pray.

Father, “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day.”

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

We confess this to you now, along with all the other ways we’ve sinned against you this week in this moment of silent confession…


Did You Hear That Right?


That One Obscure Part