What Does God Owe You?

What Does God Owe You?
Mike Schumann

Brothers and sisters, have you ever gotten angry with God? Have you ever found yourself frustrated with God? Have you ever felt like God failed you? Should have done something, or prevented something, or provided something for you, but he didn’t, and that upset you? Have you ever gotten angry with God?

I confess, I have. I’m guessing you have as well. But can I remind us of something this morning? Can I recall a truth for us that’s not always enjoyable, but needful to hear?

It’s the truth that there has never been a time in your life, nor my life, when God has ever owed us anything good. There have been millions of times when he’s given us good, but never has there been a time when he owed us that good. 

For the truth is, the only wages you or I have ever deserved from God, the only thing we could say God actually owed us, is death. Death for our sin. Death for our rebellion. Death for our lack of love for him. It is true, there was a point when he had owed us that, but there has never been a point when he owed us good. 

Father, please humble us this morning. Make our hearts soft so we can receive your humbling. We don’t like to be told we’ve been in the wrong. We don’t like to be told we are not deserving. We don’t like hearing the truth that we are not, in fact, those who are owed goods from you, but those who are owed punishment from you instead. And so we need your Spirit to show us what we don’t like to look at. So show us our sin. Show us our failures. And help us to bring both before you now in this moment of silent confession. 


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