Why Serve in Childcare Ministry?

Why Serve in Childcare Ministry
Mike Schumann

So every Sunday morning as we gather for worship here, there is, at the same time, another gathering going on within this same building, downstairs. We call that gathering: Childcare ministry. 

In childcare ministry, children ranging from infants to five-year-olds are welcomed, in Jesus’ name, by members of our church who remind those same children that they matter to God. That they are not too small for God to pay attention to them. Not too needy for God to serve them. Not too childlike for God to want to be with them. God’s body, the church, reminds them of this by attending to, and serving, and spending time with them.  

In childcare ministry, members of our church teach children about God from children’s Bibles. They teach them about who God is, what God has done, and why. They teach them about who they are, and what they need, and why. They share with them the gospel. They pray with them. And they pray for them. 

In childcare ministry, children play and build and color and create and read and learn and ask questions and receive answers and share stories and make friends and experience how good it is to be among God’s people. 

In childcare ministry, adult members of our church laugh hard, grow tired, have their patience tested, and their childlikeness rekindled. They’re stretched, challenged, and humbled. They experience how good it is to be sanctified – made more like Christ – through both the joyful ups and the aggravating downs of childcare ministry. 

My invitation to you this morning is to take part in this great ministry effort of Cities Church childcare. To get on a serve rotation, to say “yes” to serving one time every six weeks. To serve our church through this ministry. To teach Christ to children through this ministry. To have your own soul shaped and sanctified through this ministry. To receive children in Jesus’ name just as Jesus has told us to do. 

If unsure how to get involved in this ministry you can send any one of us an email and we can help you from there. But for now, this call to serve, and welcome children, and do good to our church, and grow in Christlikeness is what reminds us of our need to confess our sins.


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