How often have you felt alone in evangelism? 

Perhaps an opportunity to share the gospel comes your way — with a neighbor, a co-worker, or a local store cashier. You hear them open up about a family tragedy. They let you in on an area of hurt in their life. And you think, “Jesus is relevant to this. Jesus could help them here. Now would be a good time for me to tell them about Jesus.” 

But then you remember the world you live in. It’s authorities, ideologies, and rules for social engagement. You think about how God isn’t commonly talked about here. The mention of sin and forgiveness isn’t often expected here. In the church it is, to be sure, but you’re not there now. Among your Community Group it is, but you’re not with them now. Right now, you’re in the world, and it seems no one here thinks the gospel is of any importance. No one here, that is, except you. 

But is that true? Is that real? Are you left to evangelize all alone? In moments when your church family is not around, and fellow Christians are nowhere to be found, and an opportunity to share the gospel with an unbeliever presents itself, are any one of us ever actually on our own? 

Myth of the Lone Evangelist

Brothers and sisters, the Christian is never alone. Never. Venture out to the most remote wilderness. Travel into the most secular city. Enter a stadium crowded with people, none of whom care the least bit for Jesus. Even there, you are not alone. And neither are you alone in evangelism. 

Jesus is with you in your neighborhood. Yes, even when talking with your atheist neighbor. Jesus is with you in your office. Yes, even when seated next to your non-religious co-worker. Jesus lives in us (Galatians 2:20). He’ll always be with us (Matthew 28:20). Jesus, more real and weighty than the ground beneath our feet, is the one in whom we ever abide (John 15:5). Jesus always attends the Christian. Though we don’t see this with our eyes, and we may not often feel it — that does not change it from being true (1 Peter 1:8). The next time you come across an opportunity to share the gospel, remember, even if all the world is against you, Jesus is standing with you. 

Just as Jesus is with us in those moments, so is the Holy Spirit, the one who emboldens and empowers us for mission (Acts 1:8, 4:31), who makes us into the evangelists we are not by nature, but can be through him. He is the one who reminds us of our certain victory in Christ, our guarantee of heaven, and the fact that nothing, not even a socially awkward moment, can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39). Church, our Helper is here with power sufficient to raise the dead, and awaken hearts, and turn the world upside down. With him dwelling within us, there’s nothing we can lose. 

Finally, as you contemplate sharing the gospel with the person standing before you, know that the Father of glory is in that very moment, smiling from heaven over you (Zephaniah 3:17). He delights in you, my brother. He delights in you, my sister. Though the world might frown upon you, he never will. The one before whom every knee will bow calls you his own (Isaiah 45:23, 1 John 3:1). Secure as if seated in the palm of his hand, you have nothing, truly nothing, left to fear. Go ahead, talk to others about the Son — the Father’s “Well done, good and faithful servant” awaits you.

Go Ahead

If we could see our life as it really is. If we could perceive reality as heaven knows it to be … if we could know deep down that our God is always with us and we are never truly alone, I believe we would be more eager to speak with others about Jesus.

Nobody wants to be alone in a risk-taking moment. No one wants to feel alone when stepping out into the unknown. If that’s how you’ve been thinking about evangelism, take heart, the Christian is never on their own. 

Go ahead, tell others what Jesus has done for you. Share the good news about him with those who need to hear it. The God of the universe stands by you. You never evangelize alone. 


Speaking the Truth in Love


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