Exhortations, meditations, and encouragement from and for Cities Church
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Essential 2: We Serve One Another
Last week we looked at our first essential—“We worship Jesus.” This week I want to say a few words about our second essential—“We serve one another”—and second structure of our church—Life Groups.
Essential 1: We Worship Jesus
Our mission at Cities Church is the Great Commission, and underneath that mission, we have three essentials that correspond to the three main structures of this church.
Recovering Conversation
The easiest, most radical thing we can do for our neighbors might simply be saying hello. So why don’t we?
Think It Not Strange
It’s not lost on the leadership here at Cities Church that as we plant this new church in 2015, we do so in a dramatically more post-Christian day than we were born into in the 80s.
Getting to the Bottom of Anger
Anger is always exposing what matters to us. And most of the time, if we are honest, what our anger tells us about what really matters to us is not so pretty.
When We Have a Glory Problem
The glory of God is for all the peoples of the earth. Do we really understand what this means?
Be a Person of the Book
We want to encourage you to become whole counsel of God people by developing a deep familiarity with the Scriptures. I like that word—familiarity. Like family. I want the Bible to be like family to me.
We’re Planting Trees
I love Psalm 92:12–15 because of how it demands that we as Christians think so differently from how others might think. So many of us live inside this strange cultural pressure to always be productive and always on the go
Are Our Hearts Far from Him?
Thinking about the mechanics of worship is a good reminder that it is possible to honor God with our lips and our liturgy, and yet for our hearts to remain far from him. And this reminds us of our need to confess our sins.
Are We Looking?
Is there something right now that we aren’t looking at because we don’t want the clarity that leads to confidence that demands action?
What Are Exhortations?
This short article explains exhortations and how they function in our corporate worship gatherings. It includes the exhortation from our December gathering.