We equip parents to raise kids to become mature followers of Jesus.
Parenting in Progress
A podcast to encourage and equip the parents of Cities Church as they take on the task of raising their children to know and love Christ Jesus.
Sunday Morning Playlist
A Spotify playlist of all the songs we sing on Sundays, put together by Pastor Max.
New City Catechism
A modern-day resource aimed at helping children and adults alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers.
Recommended Books List
Take a look at some of our favorite books to help little ones grow in their faith.
Kids’ Events
Sunday childcare
All children are encouraged to participate in Sunday worship, but we do offer childcare for children age 5 and under, at the parents’ discretion.
Equip & encourage
God calls parents to be the primary disciple-makers of their children.
Our church wants to come alongside parents to equip and encourage them toward three goals:
1) Be the smile of God to our children.
God intends for us to show our children what he is like — and God is, first and foremost, a happy Father who loves his Son!
Therefore, we want the ‘pitch’ of fatherhood and the ‘melody line’ of motherhood to be joy. We want our children to experience our delight in God as it overflows in our delight in them.
2) Receive children in Jesus’ name.
Jesus told all of his followers to receive children in his name (Mark 9:36–37).
As members of the New Covenant, we believe that we are called to be a shelter for the children in our midst. Our prayers and praises are a covering for them, seeking their good, and we shelter them in hope that they, by the grace of God, will grow up to become shelters for others.
3) Teach the whole counsel of God.
The church’s obligation to disciple children is rooted in the broader call to preach Christ, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ (Colossians 1:29).
As a result, we’re committed to instructing our children in the Christian faith, in the corporate worship gathering, as well as in the everyday life of the church.
Questions about kid’s discipleship?
New to Cities? Get in touch with us!