A Biblical Vision for Friendship

A Biblical Vision for Friendship
Mike Polley

Retreat Summary


Friendship is something we all agree is a good thing, but often fail to give it much attention. The idea of friendship is also deeper and richer than just having a couple buds.

A scriptural theme for this retreat was Proverbs 18:24,

"A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

Session 1

In the first session of this short retreat we heard from Pastor Mike Polley. We spent some time diving into what friendship is and why it is important. We discussed the need for friendship, a vision of biblical friendship, and building blocks for friendship. It is important to have a conscious level of commitment, regular rhythm of counsel and candor, and to take care in the company we keep. We also imagined a helpful allegory for christian friendship as a journey together.

Christian friendship should look different than non-christian friendship. Our capacity to understand and enjoy heaven is increased when we have friends who stick closer than a brother. Let us journey to the King together!


Internal Challenges to Friendship