When the Collision Comes
Paul goes on three missionary journeys in the book of Acts. Chapter 14 shows us the the ending of that first journey, and a relevant theme emerges.
The Sovereign God Is Full of Surprises
We want to train our minds to run in biblical ruts, to have God’s acts in history shape our understanding of ourselves and our own day.
Persecution, the Outcasts, and the Famous
Acts 8 is a transitional chapter in the book of Acts. We move away from a Jerusalem-focus to a wider vision of the church’s growth.
The Inheritance of Persecution
The point of Stephen’s sermon is the repeated rejection of God’s will by God’s people; he cashes it all in (verses 51–53) with their rejection of the Messiah.
The Name of Jesus
In Acts 4:1–12, we see the controversy surrounding the name of Jesus, and what that name represents — the real person who lived and died and rose again and has fundamentally changed the world and time.