The Voice
Jonathan Parnell

John 1:19-34,

19 And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” 20 He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, “I am not the Christ.” 21 And they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.” 22 So they said to him, “Who are you? We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” 23 He said, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.”

24 (Now they had been sent from the Pharisees.) 25 They asked him, “Then why are you baptizing, if you are neither the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?” 26 John answered them, “I baptize with water, but among you stands one you do not know, 27 even he who comes after me, the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.” 28 These things took place in Bethany across the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

29 The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.’ 31 I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.” 32 And John bore witness: “I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. 33 I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.”

Today we’re gonna talk a lot about John the Baptist, and I’ll admit it feels a little bit strange because John the Baptist was so much not about himself. I think that if John the Baptist were here he’d tell us to Hurry up, move on, don’t spend too much time on him — But we’re still gonna talk about him because the Bible talks about him, and here in the Gospel of John he’s not just in Chapter 1 but he also shows up in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 and Chapter 10. John the Baptist is an important person in this Gospel, so we’re gonna talk about him, but true to the wishes of John the Baptist, I’m gonna try to keep the part about him brief and I’ll end with why he matters for us as a local church in St. Paul, in the year 2025.  

So for the sermon, I got two things about John the Baptist and one thing about us. 

Father, thank you for your Holy Spirit and for the Holy Scriptures. And thank you that as your people we can gather together for worship. As your children, this morning we have come eager and expectant. We want to hear from you. Speak our hearts, we pray, in Jesus’s name, amen. 

First thing about John the Baptist …

1. John the Baptist is a bridge. 

Remember the first time John the Baptist is mentioned is back in verse 6. Almost out of nowhere verse 6 says:

6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

The purpose of this mention in verse 6 is the same as the purpose of the mention in verse 15:

John the Baptist is the one who brings the news of the eternal Word into history. Remember this Gospel starts in verses 1–5 with this tremendous explanation of the Word — the Word is God, is life, is light — and this is deep and wondrous and it stretches our minds, and then John the apostle, the narrator, he interrupts this depth with verse 6 to tell us that God sent a man named John … and John came to tell us about this Word. 

Verse 14 picks back up the wonder of this Word, telling us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” — and we saw this last week: this is a profound statement — this is dense theology; it’s full of Old Testament allusions — and then, Boom, again, there’s John in verse 15! Same guy from verse 6! John bore witness about this Word made flesh.

Mining the Fit

And I know that in some of our English translations verse 15 is put in a parenthesis, but it doesn’t have to be. Verse 15 actually fits nicely with what comes after it and I want y’all all to see this. So look with me. Chapter 1, verse 15 … 1:15.

Verse 15:

John bore witness about him [Jesus], and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’ ” 16 For [or because] from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 

“Grace upon grace” — now what’s that mean? Well, let’s keep reading …

Verse 17:

“For [or because] the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

Track with me here, okay? Verses 15–17 are a series of explanations: Verse 17 explains verse 16 explains verse 15. 

Verse 17 is a contrast between the law (which came through Moses) and grace and truth (which came through Jesus). These are two different moments in the history of redemption: The ‘law/Moses’ is a stand-in for the old covenant; and ‘grace and truth in Jesus’ is the new covenant. 

And that explains that phrase “grace upon grace.” Another way to translate that little preposition “upon” is to say “in the place of.”

John is saying: From the fullness of Jesus we have all received grace in the place of grace, because the law (which was one grace) came through Moses; but grace and truth (a better grace) came through Jesus Christ.

John is saying in verse 16 that in Jesus we have received new covenant grace in the place of old covenant grace.

And remember verse 16 is supposed to explain verse 15 about John the Baptist. But how?

Well, it’s because in the movement from old to new, John is the bridge. 

A Foot on Both Sides

When John stepped onto the scene of what became the First Century, there’s no doubt that he was an Old Testament prophet. It had been a long time since Israel had seen a prophet, but John was sent by God as a prophet to Israel with a message. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, John the Baptist is this “Elijah figure” who was prophesied in the Book of Malachi — the other Gospel writers tell us that John the Baptist literally dressed like Elijah. He was an old school prophet leading a Jewish renewal movement. Even within Islam, they recognize John the Baptist as a prophet. Historically, this is a fact. Josephus, the Jewish historian, described John the Baptist as a moral-political troublemaker — which is prophet material.

So John the Baptist was this Old Testament prophet and he came at an extremely important historical juncture. It’s like John the Baptist has got one foot in the Old Testament and one foot in the New. He’s got one foot in Promise and the other in Fulfillment. 

Imagine it like this: Say you’re going on a hike. We’ve got some hikers in here, right?

You’re going on this hike, and it’s a long one — there’s a lot of ground to cover. It starts with a nice garden, but then there’s a big river (or two) to cross, there’s a high mountain, there’s a desert, at times it gets really dark and quiet, and kinda spooky. There are some signs along the way pointing you forward, but this terrain goes on and on (for 39 books).

But then you come to the edge of this thing, and there’s like a ditch between you and the other side. And you look over at the other side and it’s full of color, and they’re having a party over there — it’s a 27-book long party! 

But you’re not exactly sure how to get from where you are to there. And that’s when “There’s a man sent from God whose name was John” — he’s standing where you are but then he’s able to reach one foot over to the other side and he says, “Come on!” He becomes a bridge.

John the Baptist is the biblical bridge from the old to the new. That’s what he is: a bridge. That’s John the Baptist as a category. The second thing to know is that …

2. John the Baptist is a voice.

Verse 19 brings this all down to the ground even more. This marks the beginning of the official testimony of John the Baptist, and it starts with questions. John the Baptist was making a splash; he was gaining a following within the Jewish world, and the Jewish leaders wanted to know what’s going on, so they send a delegation of men to look into it (we learn in verse 24 that it’s the Pharisees who sent this delegation), and that’s important because the Pharisees were a sect of Jews who were looking for the Messiah. They were devoted to the Hebrew Bible and they knew it said a Messiah would come, so they have that anticipation, and it’s reflected in the questions these men ask John. 

They ask five questions and he responds to each one. That’s verses 19–23, but I want to situate these verses within the whole of Chapter 1. Altogether, in Chapter 1, the identity of John the Baptist is referred to eight times (either by himself or by John the apostle). Seven of the eight mentions of John the Baptist are either negative or a deflection. The overwhelming majority of the times John the Baptist is talked about it’s either about who he’s not or it’s about how great Jesus is — He ranks before me! I’m not worthy to untie his shoe! The only time we actually see a positive statement about John’s identity is verse 23. Y’all look at verse 23.

Just a Voice

The delegation that’s asking him questions basically gives up. In verse 22 they say, Okay, look, you keep telling us who you’re not, but we gotta tell our leaders who you are. What do you say about yourself? (What a question! We’re gonna come back to that!)

But look what John the Baptist says, verse 23:

23 He said, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.

John the Baptist tells us that he’s getting this from Isaiah, and we can turn back to Isaiah 40, verse 3, and we can read where Isaiah says this. Isaiah 40, verse 3,

3 A voice cries: 

“In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; 

make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

John the Baptist is saying: That’s me. I am the voice. 

Y’all know that singing competition show called The Voice? …

It really has nothing to do with this. Except that, as I understand it, when that show started, the difference between that singing competition and all the others was that the judges could not see the contestants, they could only hear them. The genius was that they were de-emphasizing physical appearance, and focusing completely on the sound of the voice. So it’s called “The Voice” as in just the voice. 

And that’s what John means here — except that he’s de-emphasizing his person entirely! He’s solely focused on what he has to say. The voice is defined by its witness to the word. The Word is what he wants you to hear!

So hear him — The Word, Jesus Christ, he is before me! John says …

He’s higher than me! I’m not even worthy to touch his feet! He is that great. Behold, he’s the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! He’s gonna baptize with the Holy Spirit. 

John is saying that Jesus is bringing the kingdom of God — the promised end-time kingdom, where the Spirit is poured out, where God judges and saves — Jesus is bringing that here. So you better get ready! All of y’all better get ready!

Preparing the Way

That’s what Isaiah was talking about when he said a voice cries “prepare the way of the Lord.”

He doesn’t mean prepare the way for the Lord as in Jesus’s way to us needs to be prepared. Isaiah is taking about our way to Jesus. 

Jesus doesn’t need any help. We’re the ones who need the help. 

In the context of Isaiah 40, Isaiah is prophesying about the end of Israel’s exile. He’s saying the road from exile to restoration should be made straight. Clear the way. Level the ground. Make the pathway from a dark exile to a restored Zion CLEAR — he’s not talking about how the Messiah gets to us, but it’s about how we get to the Messiah. 

That was the mission of John the Baptist. He was a voice — just a voice — sent for our sake. 

He’s a bridge and he’s a voice — two things about John the Baptist. 

Now one final thing about us. 

3. We should be like John the Baptist.

Within all of redemptive history, John the Baptist is the model witness to Jesus Christ. He’s the paragon that every witness to Jesus thereafter is supposed to look to. That’s why he matters to us as a local church in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 2025.

We want to have a voice like his, and there are two things especially that standout. These are two things from the example of John the Baptist that I pray would be true of us. 

1. We should clear the way for people to get to Jesus. 

And I’m thinking first corporately: Cities Church — are we clearing the way for people to meet Jesus or are we getting in the way?

That’s a question worth asking. Jesus is the cause of our existence. We are here by him and for him, and he’s everything to us. And we want more of him. We want more of him for ourselves and we want these cities to have more of him through us. Corporately, we want Jesus to take our utmost — all that we’ve got, all we can give — we want him to take our utmost for his highest. We’re a church committed to his fame. We want him to be impossible to ignore in the cities. We want people to know Jesus. Amen?

So are we doing that? Are we helping people know Jesus? What about people who currently don’t know him? Does our being a church make any difference for the people in these Twin Cities who don’t know Jesus?

That’s a question for our church corporately, but what about you as an individual Christian? Does your life — does the way you live, the way you work, the way you interact with neighbors and othersdoes your life forge a path for people to get to Jesus or does it put obstacles in the way?

Hey, let’s be like John the Baptist!

Let’s make straight — in this 21st century post-Christian land — let’s make straight a highway to our God! 

Every valley lifted up, 

every mountain and hill made low, 

uneven ground made level, 

rough places made plain — let us resolve, altogether and as individuals, to do everything we can to clear the way to Jesus, not be in the way.

2. We should remember it’s Jesus people must get to, not us. 

I’ll say it like this: we want to clear the way for people to get to Jesus while also remembering that we’re not Jesus. 

This gets back to that amazing question in verse 22. They asked John the Baptist: “What do you say about yourself?”

This is the question: how do you understand who you are? Everybody has some kind of self-understanding, so what is ours as a church? What do we think of ourselves as a church and what would we say about ourselves if asked?

Well look, the first thing John the Baptist says when he’s asked this question is “I am not the Christ.” Don’t rush past that. This is really important. It is absolutely essential to know that in the work of being a witness it is not yourself you are pointing to. 

You need to know that right from the start. If you’re planting a church, you need to know that. And I can’t think of a better time to remember this than on our 10th birthday, which is today (we’re gonna celebrate next Sunday, but it was this Sunday, ten years ago, when we first gathered to worship as a church). We’ve been doing this ten years. Ten years. And ten years is a milestone, because now we’re way past imposter syndrome. We feel pretty legit, and maybe we stand a little straighter now. Maybe we can start to think, Hmm, look at us. Maybe we feel a little increase in our self-understanding. 

STOP IT. Don’t go there. Remember who we are and why we’re here. It’s not for ourselves. The goal is not our comfort. It’s not that people would know us. Hey, we are all about Jesus. Who the Twin Cities need is Jesus Christ, not Cities Church. Jesus must increase, we must decrease. 

We show him. We point to him. We clear the way for people to get to Jesus.  

Clearing the Way

And I want to end like that: if you’re a guest with us this morning, or if you’re here and you don’t know Jesus, I want to tell you about him. 

Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to this world as man to reveal and redeem. He came to show us what God is like, and he came to reconcile us back into a relationship with God. The short way of saying it is that Jesus came to save sinners, which is all of us. 

We were condemned because of our sin, but Jesus went to the cross in our place: took our sin upon himself, he suffered the punishment we deserved. He was crucified, dead, and buried, and then on the third day he rose from the grave in victory. Jesus defeated sin and death, and now in Jesus forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. If you turn away from trying to be your own savior, and if you put your faith in Jesus, he will set you free. He will make you alive. You will become a son or daughter of God — not because you’ve earned it, but because of what Jesus has done. So trust him. I’m trying to clear the way right now. If you’ve never put your faith in Jesus, put your faith in him now. Say to him: 

Jesus, I can’t save myself and I’m done trying. 

You died and rose to save me, 

and I trust in you. 

Put your faith in Jesus. 

And if you have, if you are a Christian, we now come to this Table to remember what he did. 

The Table

At the Lord’s Table, the bread represents the broken body of Jesus, and the cup represents his blood. Together, this is a symbol of his sacrificial death for us. So when we eat the bread and drink the cup, we are saying This is our hope. 

We have been united to Jesus by faith, and we eat and drink to give him thanks. So if you are a Christian this morning, if you have put your faith in Jesus, we invite you with us to this table.

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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