Things To Do Together
Our world has drastically changed in the last three weeks. Daily rhythms are thrown off, we aren’t seeing the people we love face-to-face, and—at least for me—there is a nagging fear about this new global pandemic. That said, I am resolved to not let fear overtake me, which is going to require a little help from my friends.
Erica and I have been compiling a list of resources and fun things to try together while we’re all house-bound. Here’s our list of ideas for each day in April. Some of them are geared more toward moms with little kids, but I’m sure people who don’t have kids can get creative with them as well (who doesn’t love sidewalk chalk?!).
So, give these a go, then take a photo of yourself doing the activity for that day and post it to our “Sister at Cities” page on Facebook. Hopefully doing so will make us all feel a little bit closer to one another.
We trust God has our good in this pandemic, and he will hold us fast.
In Him,
30 Days of Doing Things Together
Write encouraging on your sidewalk for your neighbors to read
Make a fort inside and read books in it
Map out your spring garden
Start a pen-pal relationship with a friend (with real ink and paper!)
Learn something new (knitting, an instrument, a cooking technique, memorize a Scripture)
Create a new playlist of encouraging music and send it to someone
Bring out a favorite old board game and play it
Have an indoor picnic
Make a stained glass window with washable paint
Bake cookies
Dance party (even if it's over video chat!)
Watch your favorite childhood movie
Record yourself reading a book and send it to a child in your CG
Watch "Christianity: First 1000 & 2000 years" on YouTube
Get a seed growing kit from Target’s dollar section and grow an indoor garden
Wear a springy dress inside — even if it's snowing and you don't go anywhere all-day
Come up with your most creative recipe just using pantry staples
Paint rocks with encouraging words or scripture and put them around your neighborhood
Bubble fun outside (or inside!)
Draw pictures for your neighbors and put them in your windows
Replay an old sports game
Try double-dutch with your family or roommates
Make creative or encouraging videos and send them to your friends, family, teachers
Write a letter to a nearby family member or friend and let them know you're praying for them
Go on a bike ride
Start a book that has been on your shelf for a long time that you've always wanted to read
Deep clean your kitchen cabinets
Make homemade play-dough and play with it
Try baking something new that you've always wanted to
Take a deep breath and remember God is in control
Other resources:
Adventures in Odyssey — they are giving people a free month subscription to the entire AIO library
Scholastic “Learn At Home” — a great resource for teaching kids at home
America’s Test Kitchen Kids — a fun way to get kids involved in the kitchen, with full printable shopping lists
Lake Shore Learning — lots of great free resources for home-schooling kids
Duolingo — why not take this time to learn a new language? Parlez vous francais?
Walk At Home App — Erica’s personal favorite
Pilates Anytime — Erica’s personal favorite
Nike Training App — free right now!
YMCA online workout videos — free training videos and some fun exercises for kids to try too!
History Channel Vault — if you’re a history buff, or not, this will keep your mind sharp