Ask For More of the Holy Spirit

Ask For More of he Holy Spirit
Mike Schumann

Our Father knows how to give gifts. He has given us life, and breath, indeed his very own Son. He is no withholder, but a giver. No mere giver, but a glad-hearted, perfectly wise, and all-things-possessing giver. But there’s one gift of his I fear we often are willing to receive, but content to limit in our lives. This is the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

We are, as Christians, a Holy Spirit-filled people. We maintain that not one of us would have ever forsaken our sin and come to Christ if it weren’t for the overpowering and transforming power of the Holy Spirit. But how often, how often, do we desire to have more of the Spirit? How often have we asked for more of the Spirit? 

And if we haven’t desired, haven’t asked, is it because — maybe — thought of having more of the Spirit makes us a bit uncomfortable? The thought of giving more control over to the Holy spirit fills us with some anxiety? When push comes to shove, if someone were to say to you, “Look, here’s two options: Either you can get to heaven with a minimal amount of the Spirit, or you can get to heaven with a maximum amount of the Spirit, what would you choose…and why?

Here me, there are churches out there who misuse or mislabel the activity of the Spirit. There are movements and teachings out there that claim to be of the Holy Spirit, that are not. But brothers, sisters, would it be proper of us to react distortion with moderation? See what this all really comes down to is this: With the distortions, with the misuses in mind, “Do you still agree with God the Father, and God the Son, when they say that God the Spirit is a good gift to his people?

Then do you trust that were he to give you more of the Spirit that would be an entirely good thing for you? For your life, your heart, your mind, your work, your rest, your ministry, your family, friendships, hobbies, habits, moments of weakness, sadness, indifference, and proneness toward sin. To be filled by the Spirit, to walk more fully in the Spirit, entirely reliant upon the Spirit for every form of fruitfulness in your life — He is a good gift from our Father who loves us, so ask for more. Ask for more.

Father, we come to you in the name of your Son, asking for more of your Spirit. We need more of Him. We confess that we have not asked for more. We confess our pride, indifference, desire for comfort and control, all which subdues our desire for more. And along with these sins, we confess to you all the other ways we’ve sinned this week, failed to honor you this week. We bring it all to you, right now, in this moment of silent confession.


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