ROOTED: First Year Update
Dear Church,
One year ago this month we launched ROOTED, a two-year vision and capital initiative calling for three actions from our church: 1) that we freshly embrace our mission and vision; 2) that we invest in our footprint; and 3) that we commit to give.
In God’s kindness, to date, we’ve received $4,300,000 of our $5,000,000 goal in the form of pledges and initial gifts, and we are hopeful that God, through your generosity, will bridge the $700,000 gap over this next year. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:11 that God is able to enrich us in every way in order for us to be generous in every way — and I believe we’re going to see him work wonders.
As we are praying and seeking to raise the additional funds, the Renovation Task Force has been working closely with our architects on final designs. As of last week, the construction contract has been signed and we are moving forward. God willing, construction will begin on June 1 and be completed by the end of the year!

God has been so good to us these past eight years, and for tomorrow’s sermon I plan to lead us in reflecting on his goodness together. I’ll talk about God’s grace to us — past, present, and future. It’ll be a different kind of sermon than normal, but one that I pray is timely for us.
Following the morning service, we’ll move into our Q2 Membership Meeting, which will include more encouraging details and agenda items, foremost among them being the vote to affirm Max Kozak as a pastor.
Also tomorrow, in God’s kindness, we will be celebrate God’s grace together in 14 baptisms!
This is the largest baptism service we’ve ever had, and it’s such an evidence that God is at work at our church. Really. We don’t deserve this! I am humbled and filled with the joy, and I can’t wait to worship Jesus with you tomorrow.
Because Jesus is real,
Pastor Jonathan