Exhortations, meditations, and encouragement from and for Cities Church
hear exhortations on:
Nor Could the Scroll Contain the Whole
When the time is taken to fix our eyes on Jesus, we are able to gain perspective on the love we receive or fail to receive from others.
When You Don’t Feel Forgiven
The grace-filled reality of God being faithful and just to forgive our sins.
Rewriting the Script
Changing the script that runs through our minds to reflect the true basis of our lives.
As You Investigate Jesus
Who is Jesus Christ? Here are some recommended resources, and what is, in my opinion, the go-to rationale to study Jesus intently even if you’re not a Christian.
The Spirit Sets Us on Our Feet
Jesus is Emmanuel — God with us. He came and lived, died, and was resurrected and ascended so that he could send his Spirit to indwell everyone who embraces him by faith.