Do Good to the Church

Do Good to the Church
Mike Schumann


Galatians 6:10,

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone,
and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

We, as God’s people, are to seek to do good to everyone. There is no one in the world who we should not seek to do good to. And yet, while seeking to do good to everyone, generally, there is a specific group within the world who we should be especially seeking to do good to.

“Let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

We, in other words, are to give a unique priority to fellow members of the church, when it comes to our doing of good. The question is, do we? Do you?

Do you expend energy and focus for the good of all people, but especially so the church?

Do you give your time for the good of all people but especially so the church?

Do you serve for the good of all people but especially so the church?

I ask because I believe for some of us the answer is “no” or maybe even just “not very often.”

Perhaps it’s because our doing good to the church seems unnecessary — that’s what staff people, deacons, pastors are for. But note, Paul doesn’t say “If you can’t avoid it” then do good to the household of faith, or, “If someone forces you to it, then do good to the household of faith” but as we have opportunity.

We’re not to be on the lookout for excuses, but opportunities to do good to the household of faith.

Another reason you might not especially seek to do good to the church is because you think that’s something newer members of the church are called to do, those who, unlike you, haven’t yet earned their stripes here. But note, the verse prior doesn’t say, “feel free to grow weary of doing good; the fresh faces will take care of it.” No, it says to every single Christian no matter their years in the church,

“do not grow weary in doing good.”

Perhaps one more reason you might not especially seek to do good to the church is because it feels literally impossible for you to do so in this season — at least on Sunday mornings. You may look at the phrase “As you have opportunity” and think, “Opportunities to serve exist, for sure, but I lack the opportunity to participate in them.” That may be right depending on your situation, but my guess is that, at least for some of us, our season of intense busyness has perhaps subsided a bit but it’s the habit of turning down opportunities to do good that has remained.

Regardless of the reasoning, brothers and sisters, if you have not been seeking to “do good…especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Can you start doing so now? Can you start doing so now?

As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. It’s hearing this word that reminds us to confess our sins.


Father, we come to you asking your forgiveness for times we’ve, unlike Jesus himself, not sought to served but be served. Times we’ve prioritized our doing of good toward the people who could do good back to us. Times we’ve looked at opportunities to serve as below us, our intellect, our gifting, our value. Times we’ve not loved your church, your bride, your people for your own possession. And along with these sins, we confess to you all the other ways we’ve sinned this week, failed to honor you this week. We bring it all to you, right now, in this moment of silent confession.


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