Exhortation to Pastor Ryan

Exhortation to Pastor Ryan
Joshua Foster Sr.

This is Pastor Ryan’s last Sunday before he moves on to his next assignment from the Lord at Southwest Baptist University In Missouri and so I’ll be giving a series of exhortations to him but in them may we also feel them and receive them for ourselves.

May the grace of our Lord be upon your life as you continue to commune with Jesus, through the Scriptures and by the Holy Spirit. Soaking yourself in the mercy that flows from the cross. 

May the Spirit continue to be your source of all empowerment in your life as you promote God’s glory, through and in His Gospel.

May the Word be the fountain of which you drink and minister from and may it be your supreme authority, the foundation you stand on and the window you look through.

Continue to be zealous and faithful in promoting the whole counsel of God’s Word, no matter what persecution comes or what opposition arises. 

May you continue to walk in all holiness, guarding yourself by God’s help against all schemes of the enemy and forces of darkness, knowing that our Lord will protect you in all attacks and strengthen you in all temptations. 

Continue to have a tenacity for righteousness and truth, while displaying tenderness for the lost and for the wandering. 

Continue to build up the next generation to love Jesus and to live for His glory as one’s of whom this world is not worthy.

Continue to live a life of discipleship, a life poured out as an offering to the Lord, and poured out in love for others, walking alongside them and pointing them to Christ and His cross.

Continue to be a model of someone who takes responsibility and isn’t above any problem or situation, engaging heartily in all tasks, as unto the Lord and not merely unto man.

Walk in the light of the glories of Christ, in the glorious reality of redemption and the inexpressible hope that you have in Him.

And so Pastor Ryan, Cities Church, with all of this in mind, may you reflect Jesus in all that you do, knowing that you represent a kingdom that cannot be shaken.


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