We Are Sheep

We Are Sheep
Jordan Hecox

From Genesis to Revelation and 20 times in between, the Scriptures refer to our God as a Shepherd. Isn’t this a wonderful and fitting picture? A shepherd is marked both by strength and by tender care, he is fierce and protective one moment and gentle and compassionate the next. 

And what I want to consider this morning is an important implication of this, namely that if the Lord is our shepherd then you and I are sheep.

And when you press into this idea of our sheepness, there really are many fascinating parallels between sheep and human beings. But let me try and boil it down to just one thing. One reason why this comparison fits so incredibly well. You ready? 

Sheep do not do well on their own. That’s it. Sheep do not do well on their own. 

Consider the following facts: 

Sheep have no natural defense against predators. They do not possess a strong kick. Nor a strong bite. In fact, if you ever have have a chance to look inside a sheep’s mouth you would be surprised to discover that sheep have no top teeth at all. The worst a sheep can do is to try and gum you to death.

But not only that but sheep are known to do really foolish things when left alone. They have an incredibly strong flock mentality which means that their instinct is to stay together with the rest of the flock no matter what. 

And this can lead to absolutely catastrophic effects: 

Listen to this news report from 2006. 

The headline of this article reads: Turkish sheep die in 'mass jump'

Turkish shepherds watched in horror as hundreds of their sheep followed each other over a cliff, say Turkish newspaper reports. First one sheep went over the cliff edge, only to be followed by the whole flock, according to eye witness accounts.

More than 400 sheep died in the 50 foot fall - their bodies cushioning the fall of 1,100 others who followed. The sheep belonged to villagers in the eastern Van province. Papers say the sheep were worth around $50,000 in all.

The shepherds had apparently gone for a quick breakfast and were only gone for a matter of minutes but by the time they came back it was too late. 

Brothers and sisters sheep do not do well on their own. And hear this, you and I do not do well on our own.

And so I ask you, are there things in your life right now that you are trying to handle on your own? I promise you it will not go well for you.

In every season, in every decision, in every relationship, you and I need a shepherd. 

We need someone who is stronger than us. We need someone who is wiser than us. We need someone who can guide us through the complexities of life. We need someone who can warn us when we are headed toward a cliff. We need someone who is fierce towards our enemies and yet gentle and kind to us as his sheep. 

We need a shepherd like Jesus Christ. 

Brothers and sisters, let us follow him and abandon the foolishness of trying to go it alone. 


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Exhortation to Pastor Ryan