Dear Church,

We have a gift for you from Desiring God. It’s a new book on biblical eldership, and it was written by one of our elders.

I joked with the pastors recently that in case the Bible’s standard for pastors wasn’t high enough, now we have one of our very own pastors who has written a book on pastoring!

Now you can hold us to what the Bible says, and to what Pastor David Mathis says in Workers for Your Joy: The Call of Christ on Christian Leaders

I do say that with sincerity because what David has accomplished in this book is a joyful, passionate explanation of the Bible’s vision for eldership in the local church.

Personally, I’m thrilled to see this book finally out. It’s one that Pastor David has been working on for a long time. Before planting Cities in 2015, Pastor David served as an elder at Bethlehem Baptist, and also, as an adjunct prof at BCS, he’s taught the eldership class for ten years running. All of that experience, combined with his own scrupulous study and writing experience at DG, make this new book a real gem. It’s clear and deep, practical and provoking, and he wrote it both for elders and church members. In fact, he dedicated the book to our church.

I want you to read that dedication for yourself, which you can do this Sunday when you take your free copy. We’ll have stacks at the tables in the foyer and south transept — and there should be enough copies for each family to take one.

So plan to take your copy, and wish Pastor David a congratulations on this new publication.

To God be the glory,
Pastor Jonathan

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


Where Are We Going?


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