Where Are We Going?

Where Are We Going?
Jonathan Parnell

That’s an important question to know the answer to, whatever it has to do with, but for just a minute, I want to ask that question as a church: Where are we as a church going?

Well, right away, most ultimately, the answer is that we, brothers and sisters, are going to see Jesus. That’s where we’re headed. That’s the great destination of everything we’re doing now. One day we will stand in front of Jesus, in the New Creation, and we will see his face, and behold his glory, and live in his joy forever.

That’s ultimately where we’re going, and everything here matters because of that, which means we also have to ask: Well, where are we going here for now? If Jesus delays his return for another generation, where are we as a church going in the next year … or five … or 20? That’s a good question to ask too. One day we will see Jesus, but what about until then?

Well, we’re not left to ourselves to figure that out. God has given us his word. Jesus has given us a mission. And based upon his direct commands, and biblical examples and principles, and sanctified wisdom as a local church in the Twin Cities in the 21st century, we have a vision for the church God is calling us to be. 

It’s that we are a healthy, living, rooted church of men and women who embrace the realness of Jesus, and treasure him above everything, and follow him in every sphere of life — especially in our marriages and parenting, in our relationships, in our vocations, and in our neighboring. 

Our church, in devotion to Jesus, will be profoundly saturated by and shaped by the Bible. The pastors will preach this Book and we will all study this Book because we love its gospel, and therefore we will be holy and happy … and generous. 

We will have a high priority and capacity to plant more churches like our church in this metro so that when people think about the Twin Cities, Jesus will be impossible to ignore. 

Until Jesus returns, or it becomes another’s generation’s turn, this is where we’re going. 

My exhortation: let’s go there together. 

And that reminds us of our need to confess our sins.

Prayer of Confession

Father, we know that we can’t go there together and hold onto our sins at the same time. You have called us to run the race set before us with endurance, and so we must lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely to us. Give us more holiness, Father, which means, make us more like Jesus. And in this moment of silent confession, search our hearts by your Spirit, and lead us to repentance as you will, even now.


Now, Father, we remember your gospel, that Jesus has come to save us. That he lived faithfully in our place, was crucified as our substitute, and was raised from the dead for our justification. Thank you that because of Jesus, we are no longer your enemies, but we are your sons and daughters. And the arms of our hearts toward you are neither crossed in apathy nor busy in performance, but Father, our arms are open. We want to receive from you, for your glory, in Jesus’s name. Amen. 

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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