Chapter 2 is the center of Paul’s letter to Titus, and it’s central to his purpose. Paul cares deeply about the gospel’s purity, which we saw in Chapter 1. Churches must be planted so that false teaching be silenced (see 1:5, 9, 11, 13). That’s for starters. 

But another part here — and what the false teaching threatened more specifically — is the faithfulness of Christians practice. The false teaching sowed contradictions between the truth of the gospel and the behaviors of believers, and that damaged Christian witness, sending the wrong message about the gospel itself.

Right doctrine, then, is essential for right living. And it’s always both, in that order.  

Chapter 2, then, is the bull’s eye. 

There are 21 specific behaviors listed in verses 2–10. The plan for tomorrow is to slow down on each group, mention each behavior, and give some commentary. But I still think it’s worth seeing all the behaviors together in one swoop: 

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To live this way together, as the church, is further summarized in 2:12 as “renouncing ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age…” This way of life evidences gospel transformation, and witnesses to the reign of Jesus, which is the what the church does. The depths of purpose in this passage, along with its on-the-ground practicality, make it a true gem.

I look forward to opening God’s word with you on Sunday.

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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