Exhortations, meditations, and encouragement from and for Cities Church
hear exhortations on:
- Bible Study
- Biblical Studies
- Children
- Community
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- Everyday Life
- Exhortation
- Forgiveness
- Four Years In
- Going Level-Three
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- Q&A
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- Rooted Countdown
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- Together
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- Womens Blog
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gospel, Gospel
- 2nd Corinthians
- abortion
- Abortion
- Abraham
- Accountability
- Acts
- adam
- Adam
- adoption
- Adoption
- advent
- Advent
- advocate
- affections
- Alone
- already
- america
- America
- Angels
- anger
- anxiety
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- apologetics
- apostasy
- Approach
- approval
- Ark
- Armies of heaven
- art
- Art
- Ascension
- assessment
- assurance
- atonement
- authority
- Authority
- Autority
- awakening
- Awakening
- awe
- Baby Jesus
- baptism
- barnabas
- be still
- Be Still
- Beauty
- Belief
- Besetting sin
- Bethlehem
- bible
- Bible
- Bible reading
- Bible Study
- biblical theology
- Biblical Theology
- biography
- Black History
- Black History Month
- blessing
- Blessing
- blindness
- blood
- Body
- books
- Books
- broken
- brother
- Brotherly Affection
- Build up
- Building
- Bunyan
- burden
- Burden
- business
- busy
- Busy
- calendar
- call to worship
- calling
- Calling
- canon
- career
- Celebrate
- change
- Change
- Chapel
- Character
- Child
- Childcare
- children
- Children
- choices
- Christ
- christian community
- Christian Community
- Christian life
- Christian Life
- christian love
- Christians
- Christlikeness
- Christmas
- church
- Church
- Church Health
- church planting
- Church Planting
- circumcision
- Circumstances
- Cities Church
- City
- clapping
- closeness
- Colossians 3:23
- comfort
- Comfort
- commercial Christmas
- commision
- committment
- Committments
- Communion
- community
- Community Groups
- community'
- compassion
- complementarity
- confession
- Confession
- conflict
- Conflict
- connect
- consecration
- Construction
- Content
- Control
- conversation
- Conversion
- cornerstone
- corporate worship
- Corporate Worship
- counsel
- Counsel
- count the cost
- courage
- Courage
- covenant
- Covenant
- covid
- creation
- Creation
- cross
- Cross
- crowd
- crucifixion
- Crucifixion
- Cruciform
- CS Lewis
- culture
- Culture
- current
- darkness
- Darkness
- David
- Day of the Lord
- deacons
- death
- Death
- decisions
- dedication
- Deeper
- Delight
- Deliverance
- dependence
- device
- Devil
- devotion
- Devotion
- devotions
- difficult
- Disagreement
- Disappointment
- discernment
- disciple
- discipleship
- Discipleship
- discipline
- distraction
- Distraction
- Division
- doctrine
- doubt
- dwelling
- Easter
- Ecclesiastes
- eldership
- emmaus road
- emotions
- encouragement
- Endeavors
- endurance
- enthusiasm
- Envy
- Epiphany
- Essentials
- eternity
- Eternity
- evangelism
- Evangelism
- Eve
- Everlasting Father
- evil
- Exhort
- exhortation
- Exhortation
- Exodus
- expectation
- faith
- Faith
- faith and work
- faithful
- faithfulness
- Faithfulness
- false humilty
- family
- Family
- Family Worship
- fast
- fasting
- Father
- Father's Day
- fear
- Fear
- fear of God
- fear of man
- fellowship
- Fellowship
- Flood
- Fools
- foreknowledge
- forgiven
- forgiveness
- Forgiveness
- Foster Care
- framing
- Freedom
- Freedom in Christ
- Friendliness
- friendship
- Friendship
- fruit of spirit
- frustration
- future
- Future
- galatians
- gender
- generosity
- Generosity
- Genesis
- gift
- giving
- Giving
- glo
- global missions
- Global Missions
- glory
- Glory
- Glory of God
- Goals
- God
- God's faithfulness
- God's love
- God's Love
- God's Power
- God's presence
- God's Sovereignty
- God's story
- God's word
- God's Word
- godliness
- Godward
- goodness
- gospe
- gospel
- Gospel
- Gospel of John
- grace
- Grace
- gratitude
- Great Commission
- greeting
- Greeting
- grief
- growth
- guidance
- Guidance
- guilt
- Habit
- habits
- Habits
- habits of grace
- Halloween
- happiness
- Happiness
- Hard Work
- Healing
- heart
- Heart
- hearts
- heaven
- Heaven
- heaviness
- Hebrews
- hell
- help
- helpless
- Helpless
- hevel
- history
- holiness
- Holiness
- Holy
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Week
- home
- homosexuality
- honesty
- hope
- Hope
- Horizon City Church
- hospitality
- Hospitality
- household liturgy
- Human Nature
- humble
- humility
- Humility
- hurry
- hurting
- husbands
- Husbands
- Ice Cream
- identity
- idolatry
- Idols
- image of God
- imagination
- Immanuel
- impatience
- Impatience
- imperturbabillity
- Incarnation
- Influence
- information
- injustice
- integrity
- intercession
- Isaiah 9:6
- Isaiah 46
- James
- jesus
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Worshiper
- job
- Joe Rigney
- John the Baptist
- joy
- Joy
- Joy in Christ
- Judgment
- justice
- Justice
- justification
- Justification
- Keller
- kids
- Kids
- king
- kingdom
- kingdom of God
- Knowing God
- knowledge
- knowledge of God
- Known
- Lamb of God
- land
- lawsuit
- leadership
- learning
- legacy
- leisure
- Lent
- level-three
- Leviticus
- life
- Life
- Life Group
- life together
- Life Together
- Light
- liturgy
- Liturgy
- Living Water
- longing
- Lord
- Lord's Supper
- love
- Love
- love of god
- love of God
- Love of God
- lovin
- loving others
- Loving Others
- Luke 8
- Luther
- manger
- manhood
- marketplace
- marriage
- Marriage
- Martha
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Martyr
- Mary
- Maun
- Maundy Thursday
- media
- meditation
- Meditation
- membership
- Membership
- Men
- Mentor
- mercies
- mercy
- Mercy
- Merit
- Messiah
- Mighty God
- ministry
- Minnesota
- missi
- mission
- Mission
- Missionaries
- missions
- modern age
- money
- Money
- More of Jesus
- morning
- Mother's Day
- motherhood
- Motherhood
- motivation
- mundane
- music
- Music
- National Night Out
- nations
- Nature
- neighboring
- Neighboring
- New Creation
- New Year
- New Year's Day
- news
- Noah
- not yet
- obedience
- obstacles
- offerings
- Old Testament
- On Mission
- open
- Opportunity
- opposition
- orientation
- Original Nature
- orphans
- Overflow Seating
- overwhelmed
- Packer
- pain
- Palm Sunday
- Parables
- parenting
- Parenting
- passion
- Passion
- pastoral ministry
- patience
- Paul
- peace
- Peace
- Peace on earth
- Pentecost
- people pleasing
- Perfect
- persecuted church
- Persecuted Church
- persecution
- Persecution
- perseverance
- Philippians
- phone
- place
- planning
- plans
- pleasure
- Pleasure
- politics
- power
- Power
- praise
- prayer
- Prayer
- praying
- Preachers
- preaching
- presence
- pride
- priest
- Prince of Peace
- prolife
- promise
- promises
- Promises
- prosperity
- Prosperity
- Proverbs
- Proverbs 19
- providence
- provision
- Provision
- Psalms
- purpose
- Purpose
- questions
- Questions
- quiet
- Quiet
- quietness & trust
- race
- Race
- racial harmony
- racism
- Racism
- reaction
- reading
- reality
- Reality
- reaping
- rebellion
- receptive
- Redeemer
- Redemption
- reflection
- Reformation
- Refuge
- Relationships
- religion
- Rememberance
- reminders
- renewal
- Renewal
- Renovation of the Heart
- repentance
- Repentance
- reset
- resources
- rest
- Rest
- Restoration
- resurrection
- Resurrection
- return of Jesus
- revelation
- Revelation
- reverence
- review
- revival
- Revival
- rhythms
- riches of Christ
- righteous anger
- righteousness
- Righteousness
- Romans
- Rooted
- Roots
- Roseville
- Rules
- run
- sacrament
- sacrifice
- Sacrifice
- saints
- salvation
- Salvation
- sanctification
- Sanctification
- Satan
- Satisfaction
- Savior
- Scripture
- seasons
- Second Coming
- Seeking
- self-forgetfulness
- self-knowledge
- self-worth
- sermons
- servanthood
- Servants
- Serve
- service
- Serving
- sexuality
- shame
- Shame
- sheep
- Sheep
- shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherds
- sick
- sign
- silence
- sin
- Sin
- Sing
- singing
- sinners
- skepticism
- Smile of God
- society
- Solas
- solitude
- Son of God
- sorrow
- Soul
- sowing
- speaking
- special
- spiritual disciplines
- Spiritual Growth
- spirituality
- sports
- Sproul
- staff
- Star
- story
- strategy
- strength
- Stress
- Struggle
- Study
- substitution
- suffering
- Suffering
- Summer 2024
- Summit
- Sunday
- Sunrise
- supportive
- supremacy of christ
- Sweet as Honey
- symbol
- Symbols
- Sympathy
- teaching
- technology
- temptation
- testing
- thankfulness
- Thankfulness
- thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving
- The Cities Institute
- The glory of God
- The sovereignty of God
- The Watchful Man
- the world
- theology
- Theology
- thief
- Things of Earth
- time
- Time
- Tired
- Tithe
- Torrance
- Total Depravity
- transformation
- Treasure
- trial
- Trial
- trials
- Trials
- trinity
- Triumph
- trust
- Trust
- truth
- Truth
- TV
- Twin Cities
- Tyndale
- unbelief
- Unbelief
- Unbelievers
- understanding
- union with Christ
- unity
- Unity
- unreached peoples
- update
- v
- Value
- Values
- victory
- vision
- Vision
- vocation
- Voddie Baucham
- waiting
- Waiting
- wake
- War
- Warmth
- We Are Cities Church
- weak
- weakness
- wealth
- weary
- welcome
- Welcome
- Wicked
- widows
- Winter
- wisdom
- Wisdom
- Wise Men
- witness
- Witness
- Wives
- women
- Women
- word
- word of God
- words
- work
- Work
- working
- works
- worldliness
- Worldliness
- worship
- Worship
- Worshippers
- zeal
- Alen Andrews
- Andrea Hoglund
- Brett Toney
- Caitlin Boon
- Cities Church
- Clint Manley
- Dan Nichols
- Daniel Helstrom
- David Easterwood
- David Mathis
- David Wierzba
- Emily Thiel
- Erica Foster
- Erin Horn
- Jenny Rigney
- Joe Rigney
- Joel Button
- Jon Hoglund
- Jonathan Parnell
- Jordan Hecox
- Josh Jacobs
- Joshua Foster Sr
- Joshua Whetstine
- Josiah Bennett
- Kate Etter
- Kenneth Ortiz
- Kevin & Brook Kleiman
- Kevin Kleiman
- Kyle McIver
- Larry Martini
- Linda Linder
- Lindsey Dare
- Marshall Segal
- Matt Clausen
- Max Kozak
- Melissa Parnell
- Michael Thiel
- Mike Polley
- Mike Schumann
- Nick Aufenkamp
- Ryan Griffith
- Sahr Brima
- Sam Choi
- Sarah Brima
- Todd Fruehauf
- Tom Keefe
- Tyler Morris
- Zach Krych
- Zach Lang
David Mathis
David Mathis
Our Values Shine in the Pleasing Vision
News & Updates
Jonathan Parnell
News & Updates
Jonathan Parnell
Thank you, God, for Tim Keller
Jonathan Parnell
Jonathan Parnell
It Is Good to Think About Legacy
Everyday Life
Jonathan Parnell
Everyday Life
Jonathan Parnell
What Is Christian Assurance?
News & Updates
Jonathan Parnell
News & Updates
Jonathan Parnell
A New Resource Just for You
Jonathan Parnell
Jonathan Parnell
Do We Understand the Gospel’s Power?
Bible Study,
Jonathan Parnell
Bible Study,
Jonathan Parnell
A Living Movement
Everyday Life
Jonathan Parnell
Everyday Life
Jonathan Parnell
God Bless America Through You
Everyday Life
Daniel Helstrom
Everyday Life
Daniel Helstrom
The Greatest Thing That’s Ever Happened to You
Everyday Life,
Mike Polley
Everyday Life,
Mike Polley
Time to Engage!
Jonathan Parnell
Jonathan Parnell
What We Learn from the End of Acts
Jonathan Parnell
Jonathan Parnell
“Sad Christians” vs “Happy Sinners”?
Everyday Life,
Jonathan Parnell
Everyday Life,
Jonathan Parnell
We Believe a Told Gospel
Everyday Life
David Mathis
Everyday Life
David Mathis
Three Ways to Share Our Joy in Jesus
News & Updates,
Jonathan Parnell
News & Updates,
Jonathan Parnell
Welcome to Advent
Josiah Bennett
Josiah Bennett