Here We Are

Here We Are
Jonathan Parnell

Two years ago we found ourselves in a world full of questions. All the uncertainties and insecurities of life — and just the reality of human brokenness — bombarded us.

We all wondered: “What are we doing here?”

As a church, we asked the question: “Where are we going?”

Well, by God’s grace, we said now is the time we go from having been a church planted to becoming a church rooted. We wanted to renovate our building — our new home at 1524 Summit Ave — to help us deepen and extend our discipleship ministry in the days in which God has placed us.

Therefore, we launched ROOTED, a vision and capital initiative to raise $5,000,000 by Sunday, April 30, 2023 … which is this upcoming Sunday … and we are so close.

Against all odds, the remaining gap is only $122,000 — 97.5% of our goal. And with just a few days left, would you consider helping us close that gap? Would you give and pray that God provides the full amount? He is able to give life to the dead and call into existence things that do not exist. Here we are — almost there.

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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