Temptation Is Escapable

Temptation Is Escapable
Mike Schumann

How would you describe the temptation to sin? 

Heavy? – like a weight upon your shoulders that kind of latches on, drags its feet, and seeks to pull you to the ground? 

Incessant? — like a mosquito buzzing in your ear, goes where you go, and ruins your ability to focus on anything else except it? 

Imposing? — as an obstacle, it stands in your way, takes up room, makes you wonder if there’s any way to get past it? 

How would you describe temptation to sin? How would God describe it?

“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

Did you hear it? 1 Corinthians 10:13,

“He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape.”

God’s description, my friends, of temptation is that it is escapable. Not meaning temptation will never come your way, not pretending that when it does it’s really no big deal.

But it means that the strength the temptation seems to have over you, in the moment, is actually not as strong as it’d have you to believe – after all, it is escapable.

It means that the weight the temptation seems to lay upon you is actually not as heavy as it’d have you to think – after all, it is escapable.

It means that it’s size, though from one angle appearing quite large and menacing, is actually a “puffing out of its chest,” an attempt at looking larger than it really is - it is, after all, escapable.

So, how about you?

Is yours a temptation to lash out in anger?

Is yours a temptation to give way to gluttony? 

Is yours a temptation, hear me, to bow to lust — “I could fight this for the next 15 minutes, the next 30 minutes, maybe even make it an hour but I know it’s eventually going to get the best of me, I know eventually I’ll have to give in to it — why don’t I just not waste the time and energy and give in now.” 

No, no, no, Temptation is escapable, which means you need not surrender to it. Temptation is escapable, which means you can move on from it without having to first give in to it. Temptation is escapable, because God is faithful — he will provide the way of escape.

So my exhortation to you this morning, friends, is to ask God to do what he has promised he will do – provide a way of escape! When anger is crouching at your door, or lust is hounding you from every side, or a myriad of other temptations are calling out to you from every side. Trust that God is faithful, he’s not going to say he’ll do something and then fail to do it, he has said he will provide a way of escape – ask him for it! Say God, “I don’t want to give into this, I don’t want this around, it feels powerful, it feels authoritative, it feels stronger than I am, I need escape – part the sea Lord, provide escape.” 

Ask for such escape, expect it to appear, make use of it when it arrives.

God is faithful, my friends, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will, he will, he will also provide the way of escape. 

And this, my brothers and sisters, reminds us of our need to confess our sins. Let’s pray.


Here We Are


Answered Prayer