Think About the Resurrection

Think About the Resurrection
Kenneth Ortiz

Today is Easter, the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Today there will be lots of people around the globe thinking about the resurrection of Jesus, people that don’t ordinarily think about Jesus raising from the dead. And that’s a good thing.

But for those of us that profess to be Christians, we should be thinking about the Resurrection regularly, like, every day. And the resurrection ought to inform and influence how we make decisions, everyday.

Let me put it this way. I want you to imagine something with me. Imagine that you live in a different universe where Jesus did not raise from the dead. Imagine that Jesus was just a good rabbi, who lived in the first century, he died, and stayed dead. Imagine that we live in that universe, but everything else is the same.

How would you live your life in that universe? Think about that for a moment.

Okay, now, compare that with how you live your life now in this universe, the real universe. Are they different? I hope so. And, I hope they aren’t just a little bit different. I hope they are drastically different.

The way you might live your life in that fictional universe, should be very different than the way you live your life in this universe, the real universe. The way you live your life in that fictional universe, where Jesus did not raise from the dead, should be significantly different than the way you live your life in this universe, where Jesus did indeed raise from the dead.

But church, my concern, my fear is that for a lot of professing Christians, the way they live in this universe does not look all that different than the way they might live in that fictional universe. In other words, it seems to me that there are many people, who claim to be Christians, but who’s lifestyles do not seem to be impacted by the resurrection.

But this should not be the case, not for those of us who profess to love Jesus.

The resurrection is not a myth, it’s a not legend, it’s not a metaphor, it’s a matter of history. It actually happened. It is the most victorious moment in all of human history, and it should change everything. It should greatly change the way we live.

The resurrection should change how we spend our time.
It should change what movies we watch.
It should change how we approach our jobs or our schoolwork.
It should change the way we spend our money or do our taxes.
It should change how I view my co-workers and neighbors.
It should change how we approach dating and marriage and parenting.

Friends, Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and that should influence everything that we do. So I ask you this morning, is that true for you? Do you think about the resurrection? Does it shape how you live?

My hope, for all of us is that there would be people, friends and family, who observe our lifestyles, they would see the choices that we make, everyday, and that they would be confused, and somewhat curious, and that they would ask: “Why did you do it like that?” And my hope is that would be able to honestly answer, “Because Jesus rose from the dead, that’s why.” May that be true of us.

Church, my exhortation for you this morning is simple: Think about the resurrection often, everyday! And allow the resurrection to influence your choices, everyday!

Church, Christ has risen, let’s live like we believe it.

Would you pray with me.


Father in heaven, you are so kind to us. You sent your son, Jesus, to die in our place. But he did not stay dead. Father, on the third day you raised him up. Thank you! But God, we acknowledge that so often we have lived our lives divorced from the reality of the resurrection. So often, many of us have been apathetic or flippant. We’ve gone many hours and days, or maybe even weeks or months without meditating on the glory of the resurrection. So many of us have taken for granite how glorious it is that Christ defeated the grave. O God, forgive our apathy and neglect. And now, O Lord, we pause in this service for a moment, to acknowledge our own sins. We take this moment of silence to confess our own individual sins to you now.

God, rather than meditating upon the glory of the resurrection, and allowing that to be a source of comfort and joy, so many of us have often sought satisfaction and security in the sinful things of this world, the sinful things that made your death necessary. But you have made a way for us to be forgiven, through the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus. Thank you! Father, thank you for sending Jesus, He is our living hope. Jesus, you bridged the chasm that lay between us and God. And because of you, death no longer has a grip on us. We celebrate that this morning. And now God, I ask that you would strengthen us, I ask that you would help us to live in light of the resurrection, help us to be holy, and help us to love you more. I ask these things in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen!

Assurance of Pardon

Please stand, if you’re able, for the assurance of pardon. Church, you have confessed your sins, now hear the good news, the greatest news ever. God made a way for us to be forgiven. When we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Therefore, to all who humbly seek the mercy of God, I say to you, in Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven!


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