- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Abraham
- Acts
- Advent
- Advent 2018
- Advent 2023
- Christmas
- Colossians
- Easter Sunday
- Exodus
- Galatians
- Genesis
- Gospel Reset
- Hebrews
- Hot Topics
- I AM ...
- James
- Living Hope
- Luke
- Mark
- Matthew
- Maundy Thursday
- Numbers
- Palm Sunday
- Philippians
- Praying Like a Human
- Psalms
- Romans
- Stand-Alone Sermon
- Summer Letters
- Ten Commandments
- The Heart of the Gospel
- The Minor Prophets
- The Seven Churches
- The Songs of Ascents
- The Things of Earth
- Titus
- Together Series
- Video Teaching
- We Are Cities Church
- We Believe in Jesus
- 1 Peter
- 1 Timothy
- Aaron
- Abraham
- abundant life
- Actions
- Active Hope
- adoption
- Advent
- affections
- affliction
- Afterlife
- all nations
- altar
- America
- Anchor
- Angels
- anguish
- anxiety
- apostles
- argument from desire
- Ascension
- Ashes
- assurance
- Assurance
- atonement
- Atonement
- authority
- authority of Jesus
- Awesome
- balaam
- baptism
- beauty
- beg
- belief
- Believe
- belonging
- Betrayal
- Bible
- bible interpretation
- Bless God
- blessed
- blessing
- Blessing
- blood
- Blood
- boasting
- boldness
- Book of Life
- brokenness
- Brother
- brothers
- burdens
- business
- C.S. Lewis
- Caleb
- call
- calvinism
- care of Jesus
- child
- children
- choices
- Christ
- Christ-like
- Christ-sufficiency
- Christian
- Christian Freedom
- Christian Hedonism
- Christian life
- Christian Life
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Christmas Eve
- christology
- church
- Church
- Church Membership
- church planting
- Church Planting
- circumcision
- Cities
- Cities church
- Cities Church
- Citizenship
- City
- comfort
- Comfort
- commandments
- common ground
- communion
- community
- Comparison
- compassion
- compromise
- Confession
- Confession of Hope
- confidence
- Confidence
- conflict
- Conflict
- confusion
- consequences
- consider others
- Consistency
- Contentment
- contrite heart
- conversation
- conversion
- Corban
- courage
- covenant
- covet
- creation
- crisis
- Crisis
- cross
- Cross
- crowds
- culture
- Culture
- curse
- cyrus
- darkness
- Darkness
- daughters
- David
- Dawning
- death
- Death
- deceit
- deception
- delegation
- deliverance
- Deliverance
- demon
- desertion
- desire
- Desiring God
- difficult passages
- Difficulty
- disciples
- discipleship
- Discipleship
- discipline
- discouragement
- distraction
- divine absence
- divine royal
- doctrine
- Doctrine
- door
- doubt
- draw near
- Drifting
- dwelling
- earth
- easter
- Easter
- Egypt
- elders
- elect
- election
- Empty Glory
- Encouragement
- End
- endurance
- Enemies
- Epaphroditus
- Epistle
- Esau
- eternal
- Eternal
- eternal life
- eternity
- ethnic harmony
- evangelism
- Exiles
- exodus
- expectations
- experience
- Failure
- faith
- Faith
- faith alone
- Faith Alone
- Faithful
- faithfulness
- Faithfulness
- faithfulness of God
- Faithfulness of God
- Fallen away
- fallen world
- Fallen World
- false teachers
- family
- fear
- Fear
- feedback
- fidelity
- Finisher
- flesh
- Fool
- foreknowledge
- Forgive
- forgiveness
- forgivenss
- Founder
- Freedom
- fruit
- fruit of the spirit
- Frustration
- Fully man
- fury
- future
- Future
- Galatians
- garden
- garden of eden
- gener
- generosity
- Generous Discipler
- genesis
- Genesis
- Gentiles
- Gentleness
- Genuine Christians
- geography
- Gethsemane
- giving
- Giving
- global
- global missions
- glorification
- Glorification
- glory
- Glory
- god
- God
- God Answers
- God is Real
- God the Father
- God's mercy
- God's presence
- God's Presence
- God's word
- godliness
- Good Life
- good works
- gospel
- Gospel
- gospel congruence
- government
- grace
- Grace
- Great Commission
- Great High Priest
- greatness of God
- greed
- guilt
- Hall of Faith
- happiness
- Happiness
- Happy
- Hardships
- He cares for you
- healing
- heart
- Heart
- Heart's affections
- Heaven
- Heavens
- Hebrews
- Hell
- Help
- hero
- High Priest
- history
- hold fast
- holiness
- Holy
- Holy God
- holy of holies
- holy spirit
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Week
- Home
- hometown
- homosexuality
- honesty
- Honesty
- Honor
- hope
- Hope
- Hosea
- hospitality
- Hospitality
- human
- Human
- humble joy
- humility
- Humility
- hurry
- hypocrites
- I AM
- idolatry
- imagination
- Imitate
- Imprecations
- incarnation
- inheritance
- Iniquity
- integrity
- intercession
- intimacy with jesus
- Isaac
- isaiah
- Israel
- Jacob
- Jerusalem
- jesus
- Jesus
- Jesus as a man
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus is better
- Jesus is Real
- Jesus on earth
- Jesus Worshipers
- Jesus' words
- Jews
- Joel
- John
- John the Baptist
- Jonah
- Joseph
- Journey
- joy
- Joy
- Joy of Jesus
- Joyful Servants
- Judah
- Judas
- judgment
- Judgment
- justice
- justification
- Justification
- King
- King of kings
- kingdom
- Knowing God
- Knowing Jesus
- knowledge
- Knowledge
- l
- lament
- Lament
- lampstand
- laughter
- law
- lazarus
- leader
- Leaders
- leadership
- leading
- Leading
- Leviticus
- Liberty
- lies
- life
- Life
- life together
- Life Together
- light
- Light
- Listen
- Live
- Live by faith
- Living God
- local church
- Local Church
- Lord
- lord's name
- lov
- love
- Love
- love of God
- Love of God
- loving others
- loyalty
- lukewarm
- lust
- Luther
- lying
- Mainly Thankful
- manhood
- Mankind
- marathon
- marriage
- Marriage
- Mary
- Maturity
- Mediator
- Melchizedek
- memorial
- men
- mercy
- Mercy
- mercy seat
- Messiah
- metaphor
- ministry
- Ministry
- miracles
- mission
- Mission
- missionaries
- Missions
- Mock
- modern life
- Moments
- money
- Money
- mortification of sin
- moses
- Moses
- multiplication
- Multiplication
- name
- names
- Narnian
- nations
- Nations
- nature
- nearness
- Need
- neighboring
- New City
- New Covenant
- new creation
- Nicene Creed
- Obadiah
- obedience
- offering
- Old Covenant
- old testament
- Old Testament
- olive tree
- omnipresence
- one another
- opposition
- Opposition
- pain
- Pain
- parables
- parenting
- Passion
- passover
- Past
- pastors
- patience
- paul
- Paul
- Peace
- Peace with God
- Penal Substitutionary Atonement
- Pentateuch
- people
- Perfect
- Perfector
- persecution
- perseverance
- Personhood of Jesus
- Perspective
- peter
- Petition
- Pharisee
- Philippians
- Pioneer
- pleasing
- Pleasure
- politics
- portent
- Possessions
- power
- power of God
- praise
- Praise
- pray
- Pray
- prayer
- Prayer
- preach
- Preach
- preaching
- Present
- priest
- priorities
- problem
- promise
- Promise
- Promise Land
- Promised Land
- prophet
- prophetic speech
- protection
- Protection
- Proverbs
- Providence
- provision
- Provision
- Psalm
- Psalm 46
- Psalms
- purity
- purpose
- Purpose
- questions
- race
- racial harmony
- racism
- Radical
- rea
- Reactions
- reality
- Reality
- realness of Jesus
- rebellion
- rebuke
- redemption
- Redemption
- redemptive history
- Reformation
- refuge
- regeneration
- relationships
- Relationships
- religion
- remember
- Remember
- reminders
- reorder
- repentance
- Reproach
- rescue
- Rescue
- Response
- rest
- resurrection
- Resurrection
- return of Jesus
- revelation
- revival
- Revival
- reward
- Reward
- righteousness
- Righteousness
- rituals
- Robust
- Romans
- romans 8
- Rooted
- routine
- Ruin
- Run
- Running
- sabbath
- sacrifice
- Sacrifice
- Sacrificial System
- Saints
- salvation
- Salvation
- sanctification
- Sanctification
- Satan
- Satisfaction
- satisfied
- Savior
- Scripture
- Second Coming
- secularism
- Security
- self-examination
- self-made sacrifice
- Servants
- service
- sexual immorality
- shame
- sheep
- Sheep
- shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shipwreck
- sick
- sickness
- sin
- Sin
- sinfulness
- singing
- Singing
- singleness
- Sinless
- sinners
- slavery
- social justice
- society
- solution
- Son
- Son of David
- Son of God
- Son of Man
- Sons of Korah
- sovereign
- spirit
- spiritual thirst
- state
- Steadfast Love
- stealing
- storms
- story
- Story
- Strangers
- strength
- Strength
- Strive
- Strong Refuge
- Struggl
- Struggle
- stuff
- submission
- substitute
- Success
- suffering
- Suffering
- superior
- Sympathetic
- tabernacle
- Tabernacle
- teacher
- Teaching
- technology
- temple
- Temple
- temptation
- testimonies
- Testimony
- testing
- thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving
- The death of Jesus
- The glory of God
- The Glory of God
- the Son
- The sovereignty of God
- the Table
- the way
- The world
- The World
- theft
- Theological Liberalism
- theology
- throne
- Timothy
- tithe
- tolerance
- Total Depravity
- transformation
- treasure
- Treasure
- tree of life
- trial
- Trial
- Trials
- trinity
- triumph
- Triumph
- Trust
- truth
- Truth
- twin cities
- Twin Cities
- Type
- unbelief
- Unbelief
- Understand
- union with Christ
- Unity
- Unrighteousness
- Veneration
- Vengeance
- vine
- virtue
- vision
- Vision
- vision of God
- vocation
- waiting
- Waiting
- war
- War
- Warning
- We Worship Jesus
- Weak
- wealth
- wickedness
- Wilderness
- wisdom
- Without Blemish
- witness
- Witness
- womanhood
- women
- wonder
- word of God
- Word of God
- words
- work
- works
- worship
- Worship
- Worshipping God
- wrath of God
- Yahweh
- youth
- Zechariah
The Fullness of Christ in the Details of Life
Jesus in Our Details
It should make sense to us that if Jesus is preeminent over the old creation of this world and the new creation of the church, he must also be preeminent over the details in our lives.
Spiritual Clothing and Psalm-Singing
What Jesus did changes who we are, and therefore changes how we orient our minds, which therefore
changes how we live.
The Old You Is Over
The best way to explain the Christian way of life is not to give soundbites, but to give a story — because Christians have a story. It all hangs together.
Set Your Mind on Things Above
There’s been a transition, both in history and in the lives of the Colossians, that changes everything. And Paul speaks of this transition in terms of death and resurrection.
Don't Give In
Paul wants for the Colossians, and for you and me, to be mature in Christ, and that means not centering our lives on anything else.
The Incarnation, the Cross, and Doubt
How does this passage speak to our doubt and anxiety?
The Struggle for Thick Community and Gospel Assurance
Paul struggles with the strength that God supplies to warn and teach so that the churches grow up into maturity.
Gospel Maturity by Gospel Power
Paul rejoices in suffering as he reveals the gospel mystery in order to reach maturity by the power of Christ.
Stable and Steadfast
We are Bible-people and if the Bible continually holds out a theme, as it does with the gospel, than we know we are on solid ground to dwell on that theme.
Jesus Is Enough
The point of this passage, in the words of Colossians 3:10, is “Christ is all, and in all.”
Praying for a Worthy Walk
The book of Colossians is relevant to all people at all times, but perhaps especially for those of us in the Twin Cities today.
Because They Heard
It must have always seemed a little bit strange to Paul when he spelled out the first few words of his letters: “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ.”