- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Abraham
- Acts
- Advent
- Advent 2018
- Advent 2023
- Christmas
- Colossians
- Easter Sunday
- Exodus
- Galatians
- Genesis
- Gospel Reset
- Hebrews
- Hot Topics
- I AM ...
- James
- Living Hope
- Luke
- Mark
- Matthew
- Maundy Thursday
- Numbers
- Palm Sunday
- Philippians
- Praying Like a Human
- Psalms
- Romans
- Stand-Alone Sermon
- Summer Letters
- Ten Commandments
- The Heart of the Gospel
- The Minor Prophets
- The Seven Churches
- The Songs of Ascents
- The Things of Earth
- Titus
- Together Series
- Video Teaching
- We Are Cities Church
- We Believe in Jesus
- 1 Peter
- 1 Timothy
- Aaron
- Abraham
- abundant life
- Actions
- Active Hope
- adoption
- Advent
- affections
- affliction
- Afterlife
- all nations
- altar
- America
- Anchor
- Angels
- anguish
- anxiety
- apostles
- argument from desire
- Ascension
- Ashes
- assurance
- Assurance
- atonement
- Atonement
- authority
- authority of Jesus
- Awesome
- balaam
- baptism
- beauty
- beg
- belief
- Believe
- belonging
- Betrayal
- Bible
- bible interpretation
- Bless God
- blessed
- blessing
- Blessing
- blood
- Blood
- boasting
- boldness
- Book of Life
- brokenness
- Brother
- brothers
- burdens
- business
- C.S. Lewis
- Caleb
- call
- calvinism
- care of Jesus
- child
- children
- choices
- Christ
- Christ-like
- Christ-sufficiency
- Christian
- Christian Freedom
- Christian Hedonism
- Christian life
- Christian Life
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Christmas Eve
- christology
- church
- Church
- Church Membership
- church planting
- Church Planting
- circumcision
- Cities
- Cities church
- Cities Church
- Citizenship
- City
- comfort
- Comfort
- commandments
- common ground
- communion
- community
- Comparison
- compassion
- compromise
- Confession
- Confession of Hope
- confidence
- Confidence
- conflict
- Conflict
- confusion
- consequences
- consider others
- Consistency
- Contentment
- contrite heart
- conversation
- conversion
- Corban
- courage
- covenant
- covet
- creation
- crisis
- Crisis
- cross
- Cross
- crowds
- culture
- Culture
- curse
- cyrus
- darkness
- Darkness
- daughters
- David
- Dawning
- death
- Death
- deceit
- deception
- delegation
- deliverance
- Deliverance
- demon
- desertion
- desire
- Desiring God
- difficult passages
- Difficulty
- disciples
- discipleship
- Discipleship
- discipline
- discouragement
- distraction
- divine absence
- divine royal
- doctrine
- Doctrine
- door
- doubt
- draw near
- Drifting
- dwelling
- earth
- easter
- Easter
- Egypt
- elders
- elect
- election
- Empty Glory
- Encouragement
- End
- endurance
- Enemies
- Epaphroditus
- Epistle
- Esau
- eternal
- Eternal
- eternal life
- eternity
- ethnic harmony
- evangelism
- Exiles
- exodus
- expectations
- experience
- Failure
- faith
- Faith
- faith alone
- Faith Alone
- Faithful
- faithfulness
- Faithfulness
- faithfulness of God
- Faithfulness of God
- Fallen away
- fallen world
- Fallen World
- false teachers
- family
- fear
- Fear
- feedback
- fidelity
- Finisher
- flesh
- Fool
- foreknowledge
- Forgive
- forgiveness
- forgivenss
- Founder
- Freedom
- fruit
- fruit of the spirit
- Frustration
- Fully man
- fury
- future
- Future
- Galatians
- garden
- garden of eden
- gener
- generosity
- Generous Discipler
- genesis
- Genesis
- Gentiles
- Gentleness
- Genuine Christians
- geography
- Gethsemane
- giving
- Giving
- global
- global missions
- glorification
- Glorification
- glory
- Glory
- god
- God
- God Answers
- God is Real
- God the Father
- God's mercy
- God's presence
- God's Presence
- God's word
- godliness
- Good Life
- good works
- gospel
- Gospel
- gospel congruence
- government
- grace
- Grace
- Great Commission
- Great High Priest
- greatness of God
- greed
- guilt
- Hall of Faith
- happiness
- Happiness
- Happy
- Hardships
- He cares for you
- healing
- heart
- Heart
- Heart's affections
- Heaven
- Heavens
- Hebrews
- Hell
- Help
- hero
- High Priest
- history
- hold fast
- holiness
- Holy
- Holy God
- holy of holies
- holy spirit
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Week
- Home
- hometown
- homosexuality
- honesty
- Honesty
- Honor
- hope
- Hope
- Hosea
- hospitality
- Hospitality
- human
- Human
- humble joy
- humility
- Humility
- hurry
- hypocrites
- I AM
- idolatry
- imagination
- Imitate
- Imprecations
- incarnation
- inheritance
- Iniquity
- integrity
- intercession
- intimacy with jesus
- Isaac
- isaiah
- Israel
- Jacob
- Jerusalem
- jesus
- Jesus
- Jesus as a man
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus is better
- Jesus is Real
- Jesus on earth
- Jesus Worshipers
- Jesus' words
- Jews
- Joel
- John
- John the Baptist
- Jonah
- Joseph
- Journey
- joy
- Joy
- Joy of Jesus
- Joyful Servants
- Judah
- Judas
- judgment
- Judgment
- justice
- justification
- Justification
- King
- King of kings
- kingdom
- Knowing God
- Knowing Jesus
- knowledge
- Knowledge
- l
- lament
- Lament
- lampstand
- laughter
- law
- lazarus
- leader
- Leaders
- leadership
- leading
- Leading
- Leviticus
- Liberty
- lies
- life
- Life
- life together
- Life Together
- light
- Light
- Listen
- Live
- Live by faith
- Living God
- local church
- Local Church
- Lord
- lord's name
- lov
- love
- Love
- love of God
- Love of God
- loving others
- loyalty
- lukewarm
- lust
- Luther
- lying
- Mainly Thankful
- manhood
- Mankind
- marathon
- marriage
- Marriage
- Mary
- Maturity
- Mediator
- Melchizedek
- memorial
- men
- mercy
- Mercy
- mercy seat
- Messiah
- metaphor
- ministry
- Ministry
- miracles
- mission
- Mission
- missionaries
- Missions
- Mock
- modern life
- Moments
- money
- Money
- mortification of sin
- moses
- Moses
- multiplication
- Multiplication
- name
- names
- Narnian
- nations
- Nations
- nature
- nearness
- Need
- neighboring
- New City
- New Covenant
- new creation
- Nicene Creed
- Obadiah
- obedience
- offering
- Old Covenant
- old testament
- Old Testament
- olive tree
- omnipresence
- one another
- opposition
- Opposition
- pain
- Pain
- parables
- parenting
- Passion
- passover
- Past
- pastors
- patience
- paul
- Paul
- Peace
- Peace with God
- Penal Substitutionary Atonement
- Pentateuch
- people
- Perfect
- Perfector
- persecution
- perseverance
- Personhood of Jesus
- Perspective
- peter
- Petition
- Pharisee
- Philippians
- Pioneer
- pleasing
- Pleasure
- politics
- portent
- Possessions
- power
- power of God
- praise
- Praise
- pray
- Pray
- prayer
- Prayer
- preach
- Preach
- preaching
- Present
- priest
- priorities
- problem
- promise
- Promise
- Promise Land
- Promised Land
- prophet
- prophetic speech
- protection
- Protection
- Proverbs
- Providence
- provision
- Provision
- Psalm
- Psalm 46
- Psalms
- purity
- purpose
- Purpose
- questions
- race
- racial harmony
- racism
- Radical
- rea
- Reactions
- reality
- Reality
- realness of Jesus
- rebellion
- rebuke
- redemption
- Redemption
- redemptive history
- Reformation
- refuge
- regeneration
- relationships
- Relationships
- religion
- remember
- Remember
- reminders
- reorder
- repentance
- Reproach
- rescue
- Rescue
- Response
- rest
- resurrection
- Resurrection
- return of Jesus
- revelation
- revival
- Revival
- reward
- Reward
- righteousness
- Righteousness
- rituals
- Robust
- Romans
- romans 8
- Rooted
- routine
- Ruin
- Run
- Running
- sabbath
- sacrifice
- Sacrifice
- Sacrificial System
- Saints
- salvation
- Salvation
- sanctification
- Sanctification
- Satan
- Satisfaction
- satisfied
- Savior
- Scripture
- Second Coming
- secularism
- Security
- self-examination
- self-made sacrifice
- Servants
- service
- sexual immorality
- shame
- sheep
- Sheep
- shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shipwreck
- sick
- sickness
- sin
- Sin
- sinfulness
- singing
- Singing
- singleness
- Sinless
- sinners
- slavery
- social justice
- society
- solution
- Son
- Son of David
- Son of God
- Son of Man
- Sons of Korah
- sovereign
- spirit
- spiritual thirst
- state
- Steadfast Love
- stealing
- storms
- story
- Story
- Strangers
- strength
- Strength
- Strive
- Strong Refuge
- Struggl
- Struggle
- stuff
- submission
- substitute
- Success
- suffering
- Suffering
- superior
- Sympathetic
- tabernacle
- Tabernacle
- teacher
- Teaching
- technology
- temple
- Temple
- temptation
- testimonies
- Testimony
- testing
- thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving
- The death of Jesus
- The glory of God
- The Glory of God
- the Son
- The sovereignty of God
- the Table
- the way
- The world
- The World
- theft
- Theological Liberalism
- theology
- throne
- Timothy
- tithe
- tolerance
- Total Depravity
- transformation
- treasure
- Treasure
- tree of life
- trial
- Trial
- Trials
- trinity
- triumph
- Triumph
- Trust
- truth
- Truth
- twin cities
- Twin Cities
- Type
- unbelief
- Unbelief
- Understand
- union with Christ
- Unity
- Unrighteousness
- Veneration
- Vengeance
- vine
- virtue
- vision
- Vision
- vision of God
- vocation
- waiting
- Waiting
- war
- War
- Warning
- We Worship Jesus
- Weak
- wealth
- wickedness
- Wilderness
- wisdom
- Without Blemish
- witness
- Witness
- womanhood
- women
- wonder
- word of God
- Word of God
- words
- work
- works
- worship
- Worship
- Worshipping God
- wrath of God
- Yahweh
- youth
- Zechariah
Because of His Love
The sovereign love of God is the theme can summarizes the Minor Prophets. How else would God do what he has done?
The Clarity of Hope
We want to know how it fits in its own place in the book and how the book itself helps us to see more of God and Christ and ourselves and our world.
Haggai Is for Hope
Haggai says “almost but not quite.” He reminds us of what God has said, and he helps us to wait in hope.
Zephaniah for Americans
God judges nations, not just individuals. What does this mean for America?
Yet I Will Rejoice
We are living in trying times, and amazingly, Habakkuk, this little prophet, has something relevant to say to us in our day.
God Is in Control
The seventh book of the Minor Prophets is Nahum, which teaches us what it means for God to have control over all things.
He's Not What You Think
God brings charges against Israel. But instead of clear charges — like “You did this and that” — he charges Israel by asking questions.
Greater Than Jonah
What does it mean to faithfully bear God’s name? It’s not what Jonah did.
When Family Hurts
One of the great ironies of human love and relationships is that we experience the greatest hurt from those who are closest to us.
The God Over All
God will rebuild the raggedy old shack of David. This new kingdom will possess the remnant of mankind — those from every nation who seeks the Lord.
Images of Judgment
Though these prophets don’t all say they same thing, they do rhyme. There’s a rhythm and a pattern to their messages that we ought to understand at a basic level.
The Whores We Once Were
Metaphor is powerful. It integrates the invisible world with the visible. It helps us see things that are otherwise unseen. That is especially the case in the book of Hosea.