Parenting in Progress
A podcast to encourage and equip the parents of Cities Church as they take on the task of raising their children to know and love Christ Jesus.
Recommended Books
Over the years, our pastors have compiled a list of some key books to help you grow in your faith.
See recommendations for men, women, children, students, and more.
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Save the dates (2025)
Mar. 1 - May 10 | The Cities Institute: Christian Formation
Apr. 5 | Women’s Gathering: Prayer (9-11am)
May 4 - Jun. 29 | Summer Book Study on Evangelism as Exiles by Elliot Clark (9am)
Sept. 6 | Bible Study Methods Workshop (9am-12pm)
Sept. 16 - Oct. 28 | Fall Bible Study: Colossians
Nov. 1 | Women’s Gathering: Friendship (9-11am)
Women’s Events
Questions about women’s discipleship?
New to Cities? Get in touch with us!